Looking For A Reliable All Around Concentrate Torch!!


Well-Known Member
so i have been burning and making my own concentrates for at least the past 6 years now. and just finally picked up a titanium disc. i took it home, busted out my 3-head torch lighter. got it all red and hot, and nothing! don't think it got hot enough. at all. looked red, but the glow did not last. im thinking torch lighters are not hot enough for the application. so, i looked on google and see this kid using a table torch lighter. I HAVE TO GET ONE!! ok! so on his, he had the kind in which you can take the nozzle off, turn the volume down low and actually vape with it. kid said it was the kind to melt wires with or some shit. maybe he modified it, i dunno. all i know is i have about $50 and want the best torch i can find! and if i can vape with it also, then that would be the biggest plus in the world. ALSO!! i plan on investing in a oil dome as well. will a normal torch lighter work for the oil domes better then a titanium disc? please help me, and i will help you with +rep, and a huge fucking smile!!!
google xs0901 cheap reliable and pretty durable doesnt waste gas and can lock the torch and can adjust flow
this is my choice...
Height110 mm (4.3 in)
Width65 mm (2.6 in)
Length25 mm (1 in)
Weight60 g
FuelIRODA RC-30 refill cartridge, disposable lighter or similar product (except childproof)
Hours of nonstop burningApprox. 20 minutes (per disposable lighter)
Temp.1300°C (2400°F) (blue flame)

[TD="colspan: 2"]Piezo Electronic Ignition system with safety locking switch (MJ-300) or Child Resistant Ignition (MJ-320). Powered by IRODA refillable RC-30 or readily available disposable lighters. Flame temperature up to 1300°C(2400°F) Windproof flame and waterproof ignition make the MICRO-JET™ ideal for camping and outdoor use. Compact size allows the unit to fit easily into any first aid/survival kit or tool kit. [/TD]

i have used mine for years now, and i have dropped it MULTIPLE times but it still works awesome.
ps, i bought mine at Canadian Tire for like 10$
absolutely love my 'iwatani' kitchen torch -- takes a standard 227g butane cassette.

while we're talking torches......
you take a banana and peel off half its peel vertically (so when you put it down the remaining peel is almost like a 'boat' that the banana sits in), sprinkle some sugar over top, *torch torch torch* and presto.... "bananas brulées."
mmmmm dabbermunchies.
i use a propane torch from walmart to heat up my glass stick. it gets quite hot and will work good.
they all break . the only way to do it is get them propane canisters with a torch tip. a blowtorch. One can of propane lasts so fuckin long its unbelievable. I got a case of 4 for like $9. It will last at least a year. This thing gets so hot with such a bigger flame too. Them little toy lighters are for lighting cigars, not for getting titanium pads red hot daily.
dtp im telling you the blower at the local shop gave me this its his portable oil torch just google that lighter i showed you its been half a year hasnt broke and

only refilled the damn thing like 5 times like once a month it

and ican do several oil hits a day i burn screens with it its literalty just as durable as a hand torch from homedepot but for half the price
WOW!!! i haven't been on hear as much, fucking lame bug harvest. well im back! i picked up a little cheap-o BenzOmatic. so far so good, except im having issues with the dab not lasting. meaning, i put a bigger dab in then i probably should, but it does not stay hot enough. plus i have a glass nail, and a small t-nail i picked up real cheap off eBay. i do not think it works as good as it should and am seriously thinking i need to pick up another, better, more efficient torch. and YES! i do think that the fat little bar-b-q bottles and the torches crack heads make meth pipes out of. it may be a little overkill, and a little unsafe. but i have no kids, and my dog is chill as fuck. so i think i may pick one of those up soon.

my next question is: Quartz nails VS. Titanium Nails VS. Glass Nails VS Titanium Skillets/disks. which is the best for the oil and concentrate dabs. i hav e been recently dabbing this really sticky oily keif i sieved. its so crazy, you roll it in your fingers for a second and BAM! you have some sticky ass hash. im making some bubble and oil this afternoon, along with a shit ton of edibles. but i have the skillet, the glass nail and dome, also with a cheap-o t.nail. which is the best? and how long is the proper amount of time to heat a glass nail? are the t.nails better? i have both and haven't gotten into the t.nail yet. no oil, just this sticky hashy keif for now.

also, which is the best concentrate to use with these utensils? oil, pressed keif? BHO, ISO? im super curious. ive been making BHO since 03, maybe 04. and all this new technology for smoking is all new to me...and im hooked! thanks for the responses. i miss this place!! i have a few weeks to slack off. the aphids fucked me over. not quality wise, but i had to stop what i was doing and essentially start over. so its back to RIU for more brain absorbing info!!! thanks for understanding my weirdness, lol!!!!
that bernzomatic you can get at any homedepot

the one i listed before is pretty much the same thing as the bernz but with a 2 inch base and a lock to lock the flame on