looking for a cheap tent UK


hi im in the uk and am wondering where to get a cheap tent, it has to be small though, under 100cm tall thanks, any help will be appreciated bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i have the DR90 tent mate, 90 x 90 x 120cm paid around 80 notes when i got mine , could be cheaper nowdays... try amazon or ebay...


yeah iv'e had look on amazon and ebay, the closest i have managed to find is a 80cm one, i cant go any bigger then 100cm any help would be great,i have even had a look on gumtree

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
What you could do is cut the poles down by 20cm to fit your space, the tent will be slack at the sides though but if you have a carbon filter attached it should still hold a negative pressure.