Looking 4 advice


Here is my baby she came from random bag seed a friend gave me. Guess I'm just wondering am I doing this LST thing right? I am also wondering if its ok to add some liquid nutrients? Or is there any other good advice. Also how do I fell in the rest of the pot?




Well-Known Member
Did you just water her? She looks flooded. Can't really tell if your doing it right. What did she look like before you tried to lst? But you got the main idea. Pull down the tops so there's none sticking up.


I hope that water is in there because you just watered it and not because you planted it in clay. The tie down looks good, if you want it to fill the top of the container just keep tying down branshes once they start to extend. Sometimes you will need to tie the same branch down in multiple directions (example: you have one long branch, tie it down ward, after time it will form a new top and still extend at its old end, once the old end is long enough tie it off to the left...on and on and on) Works best if the plant has been topped so you have 2 main branches to work with. If your new tops start to take off and it is still early in the vegg season you can even tie those off into different directions. By the time you are done you will have string going every which way...