lookin for a link to a trippy movie... any ideas tonight?


holy fuck into the void is the fuckin freakiest movie ive ever seen. you feel like your trippin while the guy in the movie is. its really good.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

beat me to it.

Seriously. Awesome movie. Very beautiful in an artistic sense.

Gotta watch that on a few hits of good blotter one day. I watched the first parts (inlcuding intro) on 2 hits some strong blotto and man it grips you by the balls.

I had to shut it down in the first 10 mins though because there were more psychologically stimulating & creative things to do like drawing and music :D

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
ill pm you ;)

It's kind of fucked up.... But life is fucked up... you know?


Yeah the BluRay comes out like on the 26th of this month? I'm going to eat a few tabs and watch it on BluRay on an 40 inch LED (yes LED) TV.

Suh Weet.

I saw Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on BluRay on the 40 inch and it looks craaazzy. So colorfully vivid, I've gotta watch that too. Maybe a movie mini movie marathon if my mind is up for it. I could watch Scott Pilgrim all day with Lucy :lol:


Well-Known Member
I don't even want to look that shit up. It sounds like it would give me nightmares
Dude you have to. It's fucked up, black and white, hardly any dialog... but fucking awessssome. Must trust me.



lego stoner

Alright I don't have any links and i'm sorry but i'm far too stoned to find them. If you're looking for fucked up trippy i say go with a clockwork orange. its a disgusting movie but no one should go without seeing it once. otherwise i say go with donnie darko