Look what a couple of weeks will do!!!!


Well-Known Member
I LOVE GROWING OUTSIDE!!! i've had mixed success with indoor growing but i think i've got the outside down.. check out my pics of what just a couple of weeks have done...

pic #1 plant 3 weeks ago
pic #2 same plant now
pic #3 plant 3 weeks ago
pic #4 same plant now
pic #5 plant 3 weeks ago
pic #6 same plant now
pic #7 and #8 are the plants from #3 and #5
pic #9 this is the upper most stem on a plant that is only 18" tall......




Well-Known Member
tjats fucking redickuless!!! those look like legit bushes... was that a mohter plant at one time?

making the $$$

Active Member
How did you get your oak tree to have marijuana leaves haha just kidding fuckin awesome!!! That things trunk is amazing! I agree with the outdoors being awesome!


Well-Known Member
wtf someone is a major green thumb here. please do tell use your growing secrets.. as well as where abouts you are on the globe


Well-Known Member
i'll try and answer the questions asked so far.. all were started inside from seed. i have taken clones off the ones in pictures 1, 3, and 5.. pictures 5 and 6 are some kind of kush. all the rest are just seeds from some good bag weed. as far as growing secrets, i don't have any. yard dirt, miracle grow fert and lots of water. located in good old new england, USA.....