look wat smoking weed makes you do!! haha



I like how the guy said "treatment admissions nation wide have reported marijuana use is higher than alcohol use in teens" or some bs like that. I was just like...man you say that like its a bad thing. Its been proven to be safer than drinking anyways.


Nah I haven't seen it personally yet but, my buddy told me about it the other day though, he rented it, gonna let me borrow it soon.

Mc Lovin

yea you should watch it its a great movie! did you know they tested monkeys and they gave the monkeys something like 60 joints in less an hour or something like that nd they basically suffocated them and killed there brain cells and said marijuana causes brain cell damage.


yeah I've actually read about that particular study. It was like 30 maybe 35 years later when they were like "...wait...maybe the monkeys needed oxygen to breathe...maybe thats what killed brain cells *facepalm*".


It 'may' be true that "treatment admissions are higher for marijuana than alcohol" but that number isn't really of any significance. Everyone knows that marijuana is 1000 times safer than booze. But what are you gonna do if your caught with a bag of smoke?? Go to jail or take the lesser option of treatment?? So of course the numbers will be pretty high for treatment. That in itself is just a way to get the numbers up so that marijuana looks so much worse than it really is. The thing that gets me is that marijuana is even talked about in this video. WTF The guy was on PCP not POT! That is just the kind of propaganda that I expect coming from the media. The ONLY reason that weed is even considered a gateway drug is because the same person who sells you your smoke also happens to have said PCP or coke or what have you. It is better stated that the dealer, black market, or prohibition could be considered the gateway, not the pot. And yes to anyone who has not seen The Union, GO SEE IT!!!
It 'may' be true that "treatment admissions are higher for marijuana than alcohol" but that number isn't really of any significance. Everyone knows that marijuana is 1000 times safer than booze. But what are you gonna do if your caught with a bag of smoke?? Go to jail or take the lesser option of treatment?? So of course the numbers will be pretty high for treatment. That in itself is just a way to get the numbers up so that marijuana looks so much worse than it really is. The thing that gets me is that marijuana is even talked about in this video. WTF The guy was on PCP not POT! That is just the kind of propaganda that I expect coming from the media. The ONLY reason that weed is even considered a gateway drug is because the same person who sells you your smoke also happens to have said PCP or coke or what have you. It is better stated that the dealer, black market, or prohibition could be considered the gateway, not the pot. And yes to anyone who has not seen The Union, GO SEE IT!!!
+rep I agree...although weed is somewhat of a gateway drug...at least for me anyways. First time I tryed weed I was in love and wanted to expand my mind with other drugs(like shrooms and such). But they way they make it out to be is everyone who trys weed will go out the next day and start shooting up heroin haha.


That may be true to a point Sticky but just because you tried weed first does not in any way shape or form negate from the fact that you would have done that anyway. You could say that candy is a gateway as well.