Look at what a condensending ass Paul Ryan is

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I don't understand what Ryan did wrong.

He was polite and civil. He was obviously in the middle of something with his family. Should a person be forced to sit down for hours with each individual to explain their campaign?

BTW I dont care much about ryan or biden or whoever. Just calling it like I see it.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what Ryan did wrong.

He was polite and civil. He was obviously in the middle of something with his family. Should a person be forced to sit down for hours with each individual to explain their campaign?

BTW I dont care much about ryan or biden or whoever. Just calling it like I see it.
He's required to answer every unemployed failures demands to know why he's been vice-president for 4 years and hasn't fixed the economy yet. No, wait....


Well-Known Member
He's required to answer every unemployed failures demands to know why he's been vice-president for 4 years and hasn't fixed the economy yet. No, wait....
31 straight months of job gains and 5 million new jobs: BAD!

rubber stamping bush's agenda, culminating in a complete economic collapse and 800k jobs a month being lost: GOOD!

hoozah for the republicans!


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what Ryan did wrong.

He was polite and civil. He was obviously in the middle of something with his family. Should a person be forced to sit down for hours with each individual to explain their campaign?

BTW I dont care much about ryan or biden or whoever. Just calling it like I see it.

Yes he was, it's called campaigning. You know where politicians go out and talk to the public to get votes?


Well-Known Member
But not necessarily to answer any questions with anything more than vagueness and platitudes with a little bit of jingoism thrown in for good measure
as he said on fox, he can't get into the specifics. his lover boy romney won't let him.


Well-Known Member
This is almost as important as our president lying to us about four Americans getting killed.
Awesome find Flylike!
yes, thank you for exploiting an attack on Americans for political gain on a thread that has nothing to do with it.... shows a lot... i appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
yes, thank you for exploiting an attack on Americans for political gain on a thread that has nothing to do with it.... shows a lot... i appreciate it.
Actually, I would say that is exploiting our Prez getting caught in a lie. And who appointed you as the arbitrator of what anyone is allowed to say?


Well-Known Member
yes, thank you for exploiting an attack on Americans for political gain on a thread that has nothing to do with it.... shows a lot... i appreciate it.
Do you mean exploiting the attacks on Al-Quida with drone missiles for political gain? That was Obama.
So Charlie Woods is exploiting the death of his own son then? Is that what you're saying. What political advantage is in it for him? You're essentially calling the grieving father a liar when he said "its not about politics. This is about honor, integrity, and justice" You sound anti-American every time you repeat your bullshit about this "exploiting the death of American's" nonsense. Just another Obama Drone with drool dribbling from your chin. Or perhaps maybe you are more of a parrot.



Well-Known Member
Do you mean exploiting the attacks on Al-Quida with drone missiles for political gain? That was Obama.
So Charlie Woods is exploiting the death of his own son then? Is that what you're saying. What political advantage is in it for him? You're essentially calling the grieving father a liar when he said "its not about politics. This is about honor, integrity, and justice" You sound anti-American every time you repeat your bullshit about this "exploiting the death of American's" nonsense. Just another Obama Drone with drool dribbling from your chin. Or perhaps maybe you are more of a parrot.

Do you realize you spend your days defending and promoting retardation?


Well-Known Member
Do you mean exploiting the attacks on Al-Quida with drone missiles for political gain? That was Obama.
So Charlie Woods is exploiting the death of his own son then? Is that what you're saying. What political advantage is in it for him? You're essentially calling the grieving father a liar when he said "its not about politics. This is about honor, integrity, and justice" You sound anti-American every time you repeat your bullshit about this "exploiting the death of American's" nonsense. Just another Obama Drone with drool dribbling from your chin. Or perhaps maybe you are more of a parrot.

good job changing the subject. too bad I'm too good at forming an argument. you did not refute a single word I said, instead started blabbering about something else.

it's not about drone missiles, or Al-Qaeda, or Charlie woods... It's about YOU.

YOU keep pointing to this tragedy as support for your argument that this Administration sucks. and it's a shame you even brought his poor dad into the conversation..... try again....


Well-Known Member
Politics section has just turned into the "Benghazi conspiracy" section.

It's amazing how, whatever they chose to promote on Fox News directly affects this board.

I guess it's not that amazing, but it's pretty.... disappointing.


Well-Known Member
good job changing the subject. too bad I'm too good at forming an argument. you did not refute a single word I said, instead started blabbering about something else.

it's not about drone missiles, or Al-Qaeda, or Charlie woods... It's about YOU.

YOU keep pointing to this tragedy as support for your argument that this Administration sucks. and it's a shame you even brought his poor dad into the conversation..... try again....
That's a bunch of bullshit. This has nothing to with me. Its about a lie, and no transparency. For all you care redivider, this Benghazi attack was because of a video that hardly anybody had seen. So lets go ahead and rid ourselves of the first amendment because it is such a burden to foreign relations. Liberalism is the "philosophy of the stupid". Thats YOU. This is about YOU. You would rather be lied to than heaven forbid anything bad gets out about your perfect little savior. Just like the liberal media you want to block information by ignorantly calling everything "exploiting the deaths of Americans".



Well-Known Member
That's a bunch of bullshit. This has nothing to with me. Its about a lie, and no transparency. For all you care redivider, this Benghazi attack was because of a video that hardly anybody had seen. So lets go ahead and rid ourselves of the first amendment because it is such a burden to foreign relations. Liberalism is the "philosophy of the stupid". Thats YOU. This is about YOU. You would rather be lied to than heaven forbid anything bad gets out about your perfect little savior. Just like the liberal media you want to block information by ignorantly calling everything "exploiting the deaths of Americans".


Why dont you join the westboro baptist church and protest funerals of american soldiers?
because that is what you are doing right now with benghazi
They make up shit and are anti american shit stains
and so are you