look at this---


Well-Known Member
lol too cute, yeah sure buddy you really got something special lmfao Just cause the cold started turning your hairs a diff color then what it should be dont make them special. Oh wait you think the strain itself did that do ya? LMFAO PLZ tell me this isnt your first grow.....
The cold don't make the hairs change color only buds and leaves. Def rare I had three phenos only one with pink pistils. But not hot pink like that def not the weather must have been like that from start
They look bad as all hell whatever the reason.


"... Several different portions of floral cluster anatomy may change colors, and it is possible that different genes may control the coloring of these various parts.

The petioles, adaxial (top) surfaces, and abaxial (bot tom) surfaces of leaves, as well as the stems, calyxes, and pistils color differently in various strains. Since most of the outer leaves are removed during manicuring, the color ex pressed by the calyxes and inner leaves during the late flowering stages will be all that remains in the final product. This is why strains are only considered to be truly purple or gold if the calyxes maintain those colors when dried. Anthocyanin accumulation in the stems is sometimes considered a sign of phosphorus deficiency but in most situations results from unharmful excesses of phosphorus or it is a genetic trait. Also, cold temperatures might interfere with phosphorus uptake resulting in a deficiency. Pistils in Hindu Kush strains are quite often magenta or pink in color when they first appear. They are viable at this time and turn reddish brown when they wither, as in most strains. Purple coloration usually indicates that pistillate plants are over-mature and cannabinoid biosynthesis is slowing down during cold autumn weather.