Look at this giant bud


Well-Known Member
shit man just post pics here the good people here will tell you what you need to know
i would really apreciate it here are two more plants that are just now starting to change please tell me what you think they are thanks

plant 1

plant 2


Well-Known Member
damit oh well still got a few more i can hope for

no bought fertilizer but there was some rabbit shit in the soil


Well-Known Member
lmao.. i just got off work, sat back and first thing i read was this thread. wow... im speechless lol. he got that far in the process and doesn't even know what he was trying to achieve. rofl


Well-Known Member
why is everyone being so mean? those are some very healthy looking males. not his fault on the sex. i know i wasn't born with any knowledge. live and learn.


Well-Known Member
you guys are ass wholes :roll: lol i dont care. i have only seen budded plants and non budded plant i never seen what they look like when they very first start i just put them out side till i figure out what im gonna do with them.i still have 5 more left now im just hoping to get one female it would be to late to clone her wouldn't it?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Please tell me this thread is a joke.......LOL was the first thing he said at the very beginning.:hump:


Well-Known Member
you guys are ass wholes :roll: lol i dont care. i have only seen budded plants and non budded plant i never seen what they look like when they very first start i just put them out side till i figure out what im gonna do with them.
Everyone is just messing around. In all honesty I've grown out 4 males on my very first grow many a years back. I know the feeling.


Well-Known Member
i cloned a male. mothered it. had a whole table full of rooted cuttings. put 10 into flower. woooops..........