Longest dark period you've done b4 chop

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Hi, did 38ish hours last chop wondering whats the longest anyones ever tried and how it work out any grand difference?


Well-Known Member
im going to do a 72hr dark period tomorrow on my girls, i will take before and after pics for you!


Well-Known Member
90ish hours, but that was due to being too lazy to harvest plants.
i always try and do at least 24 hours.
it helps with manicuring for me, i don't know how it works but it seems the fan leaves come off very easily when they have been sat in the dark.
increased aroma and supposed resin production too, i hardly notice the resin difference but i think they smell more when left for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
i heard it increases trics cause they are produced in the dark or smthn, i dunno lol
just going to do it and see what happens!
experimenting is great