Longer term storage for the buds


Active Member
Hi everyone

I have finally managed to grow some female plants that turned out to be rather good.

I curded them in the fridge in a glass mason jar and they have been fine for a couple of months but i have just gone into the jar to get some and i have found that they have grown some mould.

Luckily i have just havested some more so they are now curing in a pot air-tight jar in the fridge.

So can any one give me any ideas on the best way to store them for longer, because obviously i dont want this to happen again.

I have read somewhere that you can freeze them but i haven't been able to find much detais on how to go about this or is there any other way that is better, because at the moment i am growing more than i am using because i only use it for pain control, but i am sure that there wil be a time when i will need the excess because i of some fuck up that i did.

Thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
u can freeze them, when u do that it preserves the thc and ive heard that it increases it


Well-Known Member
what ever you do dont smoke the moldy bud its really dangerous also just put the jars full off bud in a cool dark place not the fridge at room temperature, also how the fuck did u leave it alone for that long id of smoked it ages ago lol


Well-Known Member
Make sure the buds are completely dry before you put them in the jars... food dehydrators work very well for this, you can get one for like $30 at target or walmart or something like that. Or you could use the brown paper bag method. And when the buds are in the jar, (I dont know how often you were checking on them), but check on them like once every couple days, or at least once a week. Dont let them sit for that long without at least a glance :).


Well-Known Member
Ya chances are you grew some mold because they weren't entirely dried and cured. For a high quality, smooth smoke, you wanna hang them for a week in 50% humidity and then jar them for another week, opening them 2 times a day to release the water vapor. How long are you keeping this bud for? Freezing is the best option (next best is in a jar OUT of the refrigerator) if you need to keep them for a long time but you still start to get degradation after about a year, or so I've read.


Well-Known Member
whats the brown paper bag method?
Make sure the buds are completely dry before you put them in the jars... food dehydrators work very well for this, you can get one for like $30 at target or walmart or something like that. Or you could use the brown paper bag method. And when the buds are in the jar, (I dont know how often you were checking on them), but check on them like once every couple days, or at least once a week. Dont let them sit for that long without at least a glance :).


Well-Known Member
if youre going to have alot of weed that you need to store for a long period of time i suggest a vacuum sealer. seal the bud up after its dried and cured and leave it in a cool dark place. ive read it can last up to 5 years that way without losing potency or flavour. never heard of curing bud in a fridge though, lol. always do mine in a dark cool corner of the basement. ill have to look that up


Well-Known Member
No fridge. Ever. Room temp or frozen, nothing in between.

And even for long term, it's best to open them up and take a look every few days. That can help against mold.

If this is for medical purposes, I think it's worth the money to get a vacuum sealer (100 dollars). That will make sure you have a preserved stash for a loooong time in case of an emergency.

And ace, there's no way to increase THC after the plant is chopped. You can increase the THC to mass ratio (water curing is great for that) which increases potency, but you cannot ever increase the THC. And even considering the 'ratio' idea, I don't see how freezing would do that. Freezing makes the triches fall off more easily...that's the only change I can think of, and it doesn't seem to be a good one (except when making hash).


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone i have just moved the latest crop to a cool cupboard.

I think i'll end up getting a vacuum pack, they are a lot cheaper over here in england.

But i have also had a brainwave :idea:(which is rare for me, a momentry lapse there!!!!) but is it possible to bake some of the buds into something eg cakes etc and then freeze them, or will both the cooking and freezing process degrade the THC levels too much.

Any ideas on this anyone:?



Well-Known Member
I always keep an eye on any "stored" weed. Burp jar's, turn over pack's, check frozen....
The last thing you want is to open and smell ammonia............fuck !


Well-Known Member
That cooking and freezing idea is definitely an interesting one. I would actually make some strong cannabutter with it, and then freeze THAT long term. Then you can just make fresh brownies or whatever with the frozen cannabutter later. I think it'd keep better that way, but I don't have any evidence to back that up... just a thought.


Well-Known Member
depending how potent you want your food (i say a gram per serving of whatever at least) make some butter and freeze it. and remember, when weed is frozen trichs break off no problem. And a food dehydrator is a bad idea. anything that dries with heat is bad. I use a flower and herb dryer i picked up from ebay and it has about 12 square feet of drying space and takes about 3 days to dry the entire crop.


Well-Known Member
I always heard that food dehydrators were okay since it's low heat...? Isn't it only like 135 degrees? I've mostly read about people using it after water curing though, not just for normal drying.

What does a flower and herb dryer do specifically? Heat? Or just controlled humidity?


Well-Known Member
whats the brown paper bag method?
After hangin the buds to dry you put them in a brown paper bag to help dry and cure them that way. The material of the bag absorbs moisture. Then after about a week transfer to a glass jar. :)


Well-Known Member
the herb dryer works by sucking fresh air from holes on top through to the bottom where a small blower connected to a filter blows it all out. Im not exactly sure how that little fan does it but it works perfectly from freshly trimmed buds to dry in three days. and i dont have to worry about mold or anything. And then streight to jar cure for 2 weeks.