Long-Winded self-diagnosis, but I want expert advice. I have pics.


Hello to all:

Newbie, I am.

Here are the facts: PC Grow case, Soilless mix, 1 Nirvana Short Rider feminized, 1 Lowlife AK-47 Feminized. Both autoflower. Very conservative nutes (recommeded by stonerish dude at plant store -- I told him my wife was growing herbs, and I was just picking stuff up), 3-23 watt CFL, 2 on the veg light spect, 1 on the flower light spec. 1.5 liter black pots w/ drainage holes. 24/7 light. Temps indoors are are 71-73; thus, with lights maybe 78-83? I need to buy a temp gague, I know, I know. I forgot today -- again.

Everything was going swimmingly. Seeds germed, sprouted, moving on up like the Jeffersons. I was watering when I thought they needed it. Small doses every now and then, and if it looked really dry (and felt light) I watered until it came through the bottom, and then backed off. Small dose of nutes (per stonergardener and manufacturer instructions -- stonergardener told me it wasn't the porshe of nutes, but the VW of nutes -- it gets you where you need to go everyday, without driving off the freeway) with every water mixed in a gallon jug that sat out for 48 hours to eliminate chems.

So....I have the PC grow box b/c the wifey would not approve. I tip my hat to the Grow Box King of the South. She decided to sit next to said PC Grow Box and scan photos the entire weekend. She did not notice said Grow Box. Wedding photos, college photos -- anything that wasn't digital, she wanted to create a record of it. It was amazing, but I don't care. Conclusion: I didn't water for 2 days.

Now, I could blame it all on her, but we went away for a wedding the weekend before and the gals were just fine -- thriving even. And she was having a grand time scanning pics, and I was having and grand time consuming beers and watching the World Series, college football, and NFL -- plus it was raining all weekend in DC, so I couldn't even feel guilty about missing "great fall weather."

Thus, I was horrified when I opened the box after two days. Wilted leaves. Burn spots. Heavens NO!!!!

My self-diagnosis is that I didn't water enough. The plants were ready to take-off and I blew-it. (AK-47 sprouted Oct 17, Low Rider sprouted Oct. 15th. The drama went down October 30th - Nov. 1)

I felt (and kinda still feel like crap). I got mad at the plants. My wife noticed. My dog noticed my ill-temper.

But, I tried to stay calm. Lack of water was the most rational explanation. I trolled RIU for hours and hours. I need someone to tell me they will be all right. They seem to be back on track, albeit small and stalled, but I think they will make it.

So, I leave it to you RIU experts. Examine pics. Examine fact. If you made it this far into this post, I applaud your effort and really appreciate your input.

Please see file names to know what you are viewing. They are not in any order.



Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like underwatering. Are you foliar spraying them with anything?


Active Member
ak47 and short rider both look like nute burn (plain water with some vitamin b they be fine ina few days)

lowlife looks fine except at this angle that back leaf looks like its got some lateral curl, usually caused by ph.

nirvana short looks A O K

and relax some, youd be amazed how hardy pot is.

one time i had a male i was taking out, somebody came over so i just shoved it out of sight (and promptly forgot about it) i found it over a month later dry as a bone, in an area that didnt recieve anything but very low ambient light, sitting in a big ass ring of pollen, with about 3 inches of green leaves on top. i was freakin amazed, then pissed because my dumb ass let a huge pile of pollen build up