Long Time Smoker First Time Grower Needing Help

This is my setup: Bubbleponics W/ Topfed Water 10 Gal. tub, air pump w/ 1 5" o2 stone and 1 7"air tube, 10 GPH water pump on low one 3/8" line going into 3" net pot. 3 800 lumen cfl's 6500K enclosed in bathroom cabinet with fan for circulation. Temp./ Humid. meter, right now im using ph strips and ph down for aquariums. completely sealed container w/ drain and water level.

Now for the questions:

I started without preping so there has been alot of changing locations and lighting. Let me tell you where I am now I planted the seedling in rockwool on 4-27-11. It came up good for about 5 days then it stunted. I found that the light guard i made was getting wet from the top feed and grew massive slime. I didnt have ph'ed water either. The next day there were two spots crispy burnt on one leaf so i cut the spots off got ph stuff flushed and refilled rez. w/ ph'ed water let it run for 24 hrs.( air and water) Lights have been 20/6 since leaves dropped the seed. after 24 hrs. I drained and filled w/ 1/4 strengh nutes new growth looks green but not growing. It has been running w/ nutes for 24 hrs.

Roots: how much light creates root rot cause ive seen people pick up ootballs into the light then other people say light kills roots?

Humidity/ Temp.: 75-83 lights on 35% 70-73 lights off 40-42%

