LOL someone selling ganja on EBAY, UK hahahha

i still wouldnt tell on him though, the system wants 2 make us feel bad about smoking Ganj, yah hes a idiot for sure, but let him bust his own ass haha.i if people treated it and thought about it like the flower it is, then the world would be a much better place for Medical users and jus plain old harmless stoners.
Sad part is that he was probably a poster here or another site that has the "same" idiots doing the same idiot things. Hi pot I am kettle, you're black?
Who has really sold an illegal drug on Ebay here? Because I certainly have not nor do I intend to! In UK it's 2 years for selling "cash crops" and even if I was I wouldn't charge £365 for 3 one week old unhealthy plants! and they was also listed as being a gift to him from a friend, that he doesn't want. So that settles that.