Lol so what does >_> or :/ mean?


Well-Known Member
I get them as replies to texts sometimes, but idk what they mean? any ideas?


bud bootlegger
lol, dear urca, they are both simply smiley faces, or faces in general.. when i do the : semi colon and ) half parenthesis on here, it automatically puts up the smiley face.. but yah, just smileys is all..


Well-Known Member
Lol I know they are smilies... but they seem to connotate bad things, any direct meaning?


Well-Known Member
There is no real meaning haha, I guess it just depends on the context in which they are used!


Well-Known Member
I get them as replies to texts sometimes, but idk what they mean? any ideas?
The first one is you have >_> or yikes!! And :/ means so sad another worthless thread and shes still not really looking for work.LOL!!!!!


Well-Known Member
It means they do not want your "Cookies".
aww thank you... so what would be a good example of a fail text? cause i texted somebody "i hope you can stay up here as late as you can) and got >_> as a response
They do not want to "Eat your CupCake".


Well-Known Member
stressed, bitchy, but understandably so... stepdad is in the hospital, and she's freaking out


Well-Known Member
I'll give a little prayer for him tonight.
I know it's hard to do but getting stressed over things you have no control over is a waste and makes life harder than it needs to be. Is there some thing she likes to do? Maybe take her out to a movie or a girls night out togeather, it would do you both wonders!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that would be nice, i just do what she asks, like make dinner or whatever. makes her life easier and teaches me how to cook


Well-Known Member
It means your friends are too illiterate to text words to you. Or think you are too dumb to understand them.

Or your friends are lazy pieces of shit who have nothing to say.