lol. republican trickle down FAIL


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Senate Republicans applied pressure to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) in September, successfully persuading it to withdraw a report finding that lowering marginal tax rates for the wealthiest Americans had no effect on economic growth or job creation.

republicans have such a hard time coping with reality. it's just embarrassing.
Huffington Post? Lol, I just tinkled in my panties out of sheer hilarity.

Are you then suggesting that raising taxes on the wealthy somehow increases economic growth and job creation? Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Huffington Post? Lol, I just tinkled in my panties out of sheer hilarity.

Are you then suggesting that raising taxes on the wealthy somehow increases economic growth and job creation? Good luck with that.
i could find a link to the same story from any number of sources, my friend of limited vocabulary.

no one said raising taxes is the way to spur the economy, just that trickle down does nothing to spur economic growth or job creation.

sorry to shatter your limited worldview, fella.

you are dismissed.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
So trickle down only works when mein fuher Barry gives hand jobs to foreigners and their spunk oozes down their leg? Good to know.


Well-Known Member
So trickle down only works when mein fuher Barry gives hand jobs to foreigners and their spunk oozes down their leg? Good to know.
no, trickle down works when you put the money in the hands of people who will spend it, thus spurring demand.

try to keep up here.


Well-Known Member
i could find a link to the same story from any number of sources, my friend of limited vocabulary.

no one said raising taxes is the way to spur the economy, just that trickle down does nothing to spur economic growth or job creation.

sorry to shatter your limited worldview, fella.

you are dismissed.
You couldn't dismiss a class of first graders, dream on.

My vocabulary could drop your vocabulary out of it's back pocket and it would lose phraseologies stopping to pick it up.

So, if raising taxes on the wealthy doesn't spur the economy, doesn't create jobs and doesn't even put a scratch in the annual deficit, why do it? Cause them filthy rich bastards got's to pay? Dat's why.


Well-Known Member
You couldn't dismiss a class of first graders, dream on.

My vocabulary could drop your vocabulary out of it's back pocket and it would lose phraseologies stopping to pick it up.

So, if raising taxes on the wealthy doesn't spur the economy, doesn't create jobs and doesn't even put a scratch in the annual deficit, why do it? Cause them filthy rich bastards got's to pay? Dat's why.
i'm sure you just recycle the same 5 phrases for progressives and misuse apostrophes to fit in with your fellow southern folks. surely, that must be it.

this thread is not about the effects of raising taxes, it's about the effects of lowering taxes on the wealthy, the feudalism era ideal that if the kings have enough, the crumbs will trickle down. so try to keep your eye on the ball here, champ.

however, there is a strong correlation between top tax rates and the national debt. shall we start a thread about that where you can showcase your expansive vocabulary? :lol:

nice job at invoking the class warfare canard though. well done, just like a barking puppet should do.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Poor man Lazarus, sick and disabled, had to eat crumbs from the rich man's table. Yet Jesus saved his sorry ass! Christianity has been practicing trickle down for almost two thousand years. Get your Lazarus on.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Poor man Lazarus, sick and disabled, had to eat crumbs from the rich man's table. Yet Jesus saved his sorry ass! Christianity has been practicing trickle down for almost two thousand years. Get your Lazarus on.
Yes but what was the ultimate fate of the rich man?

Christ admonished the man for his treatment of the beggar Lazarus. Lazarus received his reward. The rich man received his just desserts.


New Member
no, government trickle down works when you put other peoples money in the hands of people who didn't earn it, thus spurring redistribution.

try to keep up here.
So Barry is a socialist, lazy progressives will love hearing this!

i just love it when non contributors (you) have a plan for the people who do contribute!


Well-Known Member
So Barry is a socialist, lazy progressives will love hearing this!

i just love it when non contributors (you) have a plan for the people who do contribute!
how many times have i proven you wrong when you try to say i don't pay taxes?

even a child can read this report and realize that your republican dream of trickle down prosperity is as realistic as the iran-syria border or you discovering nitrogen.

one need not pay taxes to read this report and come to the conclusion that trickle down is a lemon.


Active Member
Trickle down is true just in the sense someone starts a business. They hire employees, employees get paid, they spend money, the economy does well. But I what I don't get is how have the richer been getting richer even through tough times. Also at a exponential rate. If you look at a graph line of how much minimum wage has increased vs the graph line of how much wealth the rich have accumulated. It would be a huge contrast. The cost of living has dramatically gone up. While the middle class income stays the same. There is a disconnect somewhere. I live in california and minimum wage is like 8 something, think if that went up with inflation. Would it be considered redistribution if people actually got paid more if it mean't the rich not profiting as much? So to me it is not so much if trickle down works, its how much down trickle the middle class gets.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Without trickle down,none of your technologies:iphone,ipad, and macbook, would exist. The rich buy,it trickles into those products you buy.If you like technology,say thank you. All of you reading this.I expect this server to crash with all the likes I get.


Well-Known Member
Without trickle down,none of your technologies:iphone,ipad, and macbook, would exist. The rich buy,it trickles into those products you buy.If you like technology,say thank you. All of you reading this.I expect this server to crash with all the likes I get.


Trickle down is a product of war. Nothing of value has been attributed to anything other than that.

The internet created the economic boom of the 90's, just as oil production did in the 80's. Nothing else is attributed to Reagan's success, economically.

Today, wars win economics. Romney is all for it, Obama needs to portray the opposite. We'll see on Nov. 6th what the American people think...


Well-Known Member
Senate Republicans applied pressure to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) in September, successfully persuading it to withdraw a report finding that lowering marginal tax rates for the wealthiest Americans had no effect on economic growth or job creation.

republicans have such a hard time coping with reality. it's just embarrassing.
bucky you and your welfare babies will never understand reality. Just want the government to support you.


Well-Known Member
bucky you and your welfare babies will never understand reality. Just want the government to support you.
listen, my racist compadre, i use no government assistance.

now take your semi-illiterate, racist ass back to whatever hole in the ground you crawled out of, boy.


Well-Known Member
Trickle down is true just in the sense someone starts a business. They hire employees, employees get paid, they spend money, the economy does well. But I what I don't get is how have the richer been getting richer even through tough times. Also at a exponential rate. If you look at a graph line of how much minimum wage has increased vs the graph line of how much wealth the rich have accumulated. It would be a huge contrast. The cost of living has dramatically gone up. While the middle class income stays the same. There is a disconnect somewhere. I live in california and minimum wage is like 8 something, think if that went up with inflation. Would it be considered redistribution if people actually got paid more if it mean't the rich not profiting as much? So to me it is not so much if trickle down works, its how much down trickle the middle class gets.

it is very simple
The added wealth the rich have enjoyed has come from the middle class

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Who do you think buys those smart home remote location systems I see at Home Depot? I think home automation will be like a color television. Everyone will have it.Right now only Doctor salaries can afford it. But before that only rappers and Gates.


Well-Known Member
Who do you think buys those smart home remote location systems I see at Home Depot? I think home automation will be like a color television. Everyone will have it.Right now only Doctor salaries can afford it. But before that only rappers and Gates.
I dont even know what you are talking about

Although I can watch my house's 8 cameras from my smart phone remotely