lol I think I have a stoner fish...


Well-Known Member
I've been watching my fish and like one of the glass fish hangs out near the air pump hose popping bubbles most of the time. But every time I smoke he keeps on doing that all tell I stop puff puffing and such then moves to the front of the tank. lol


Well-Known Member
I would but the water probably wouldn't be the best plus don't want resin in my filter system.

but I might blow in the air pump and watch what happens


Well-Known Member
not to mention it could totally fuck up your water and your eco system you've built. water changes in aquariums are never good if too extreme. dead fish are never fun especially if you're buying expensive fish! but blowing smoke in it wont matter so go for it. let us know what happens. lol


Well-Known Member
Would the water change if it was just a gb??? The smoke doesnt even filter through it, it just touches the top, cause the waters only used for idk if the water would change.

Plus, just put a cage in the bottom of ur piece to prevent ash from going in the water.


Well-Known Member
Many fish are smarter than people think. Could the fish be playing in the bubbles? I've had lots of goldies that played in bubbles, they'd just go round and round and round, let the bubbles take them up, then swim back down and do it again.
Or is it gasping at the top?


Well-Known Member
I'd say more hes popping the bubbles lol, its hard to catch on video cause the glass fish is like paranoid all the time. I come near the tank and it darts into the back of the tank into the plants lol


Well-Known Member
its a glass fish that does this?
my mom had one of those when i was younger and it wouldnt let anyone get near the tank to look at it haha it was paranoid as hell


Well-Known Member
Plant the tank more thickly and it'll feel more comfortable. You need it at least two-thirds planted, THICK. Sounds to me like it's playing in the bubbles.

Fishbutts! That's almost all the pix I got the other day, was of fishbutts. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Plant the tank more thickly and it'll feel more comfortable. You need it at least two-thirds planted, THICK. Sounds to me like it's playing in the bubbles.

Fishbutts! That's almost all the pix I got the other day, was of fishbutts. :rolleyes:
thats what I thought too but it never comes to the front for just the fact it has no veg there (it is for the other fish, the rear is for the scaredy fish) and only seems to after I toke it up a lot..