LOL - cop steals pot from suspect and freaks out


Well-Known Member
i saw that this morning, i had friends who've gotten jacked by cops before, but the wife taking the cocaine was fucking hilarious


Well-Known Member
umm I missed the cocaine part... uhh

That was funny though.
Especially funny when he called 911 and said that he thought he was dying from maryj overdose.

Seems like I read one time you would have to inbibe 7 pounds to overdose.

Ahhh good laugh good stuff good smoke

Great day in the neighborhood. (I used to do cust svc for MCI )


Well-Known Member
yea, the wife also admitted to stealing a bag of cocaine from the cops car, that was supposed to be use for training drug dogs.


Well-Known Member
man that's funny as shit, i like the part where he called 911 and said "I think we're overdosing on marijuana. We made pot brownies and i think we're dying..." lmao...i know for a fact shit like that happens everyday too b/c my grandpa's best friend is a retired police officer and he told me his buddy would bring over weed he took from kids all the time.


Well-Known Member
What a piece of shit. Going out every day, fucking people's lives up over the drugs they have. And then taking some for himself.
And now, even after they find out, he faces NO charges. That is HORSE SHIT! There are probably people in jail right now for drugs that were put away by this asshole and now he is getting let off for the same thing.

This is why people fucking hate cops.

This is just one more testament to the outdated laws governing marijuana in America...even the COPS don't give a shit.


Well-Known Member
that is classic, he got what he deserved, what a dumbass.

same shit happened to me though, i ate some brownies with my girl, then we went to wal mart, after about an hour we were so baked we had to leave without getting anything because we were starting to pass out.

one thing comes to mind about the story, how does he know he put a quarter in there, unless he had something to weigh it. and if he did have something to weigh it, wouldn that be grounds possession with intent to sell?


Active Member
i cant stop wondering what must of happened for them to think they were dead? imagine his mates coming and picking him up i bet they interrogated him on scene. but its true coppers take your weed with a big greasy smile on their porky faces. there should be a law against it.


Well-Known Member
thast funny shit...

one time i ate 12 weed cookies and thought i was overdosing cuz i was fucken beyong paranoid lol....
i knew it wouldnt happen though lol

guy said dont eat more than 2 cookies... not me lol