Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
So just to clarify, you all believe black people are poor because white man says no.
Black people are only jailed because white man doesn't like them.
It's got absolutely nothing to do with not educating themselves or commuting crime.
Cool. Glad I now know that. Can't believe how anyone could possibly think otherwise now that I see it.

It's 2020 ffs, you can't just say oh I've got a shit life, blame it on something that happened 200 years ago and expect the ancestors of said arseholes to take the blame for it. That's insanity.
If we're gonna go down that road then we might aswell go kill all the Greeks for their ancestors part in slavery.

Black people all over the world are blaming whites for everything that's wrong in their lives. That's the very definition of racism.
I never had a thought iether way about the colour of people's skin untill all this pish kicked off. Now i see that the majority of black people are extremely racist.

And I'm not the only person seing it that way.
This will ultimately only make the divide worse. Black people are already being removed from advertising. Employers will start to question wether or not it's worth the potential drama of having them.
And the thing that surprises me the most is that black people are actively trying to delete their own history.
Erasing every shred of proof that slavery even happened.
Why? Shouldn't you be proud to be where you are now after what your people went through? Shouldn't you be trying to fit in with modern society and create better lives for yourselves?
If I felt prejudiced against that's what I'd be doing.
You are not reacting on anything other people say.
At least I have the decency to tell you why a lot of what you say is wrong.
And it is not wrong because I say it is wrong, or that is my opinion, but facts show you are wrong on many of the things you wrote.
If we would talk about abortion, one can argue if it is 'killing life' or 'a woman's right'. That is often a matter of opinion.
But that people of color in many countries have a shittier life because of reasons that are also out of their own control, is a fact.
And yes, many of those people could get a better education, but that is not always easy.
Scotland has about the same education system and living standards as the rest of the UK. But a smaller percentage of Scottish young people go to university. Why is that? Are they just lazy bastards? Or are they less intelligent? I doubt it, so the reason must be somewhere else.

Scotland has by far the highest number of drug deaths per capita in Europe.
Why is that? Are they stupid? Too lazy to eat an apple instead of shooting heroine? Is it because Scottish people have something in their DNA that makes them just stupid cunts (as Jim Jefferies would state it)?
Probably not.
There must something socially not functioning very well in Scotland.
And once you recognize what it is, you can deal with it.
Just people yelling 'Stupid Scotsmen, no wonder they die in the streets' makes no sense.
The same thing should happen to solve the problems with discrimination. Looking for facts. Not opinions.

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Well-Known Member
You are not reacting on anything other people say.
At least I have the decency to tell you why a lot of what you say is wrong.
And it is not wrong because I say it is wrong, or that is my opinion, but facts show you are wrong on many of the things you wrote.
If we would talk about abortion, one can argue if it is 'killing life' or 'a woman's right'. That is often a matter of opinion.
But that people of color in many countries have a shittier life because of reasons that are out of their own decisions, is a fact.
And yes, many of those people could get a better education, but that is not always easy.
Scotland has about the same education system and living standards as the rest of the UK. But a smaller percentage of Scottish young people go to university. Why is that? Are they just lazy bastards? Or are they less intelligent? I doubt it, so the reason must be somewhere else.

Scotland has by far the highest number of drug deaths per capita in Europe.
Why is that? Are they stupid? Too lazy to eat an apple instead of shooting heroine? Is it because 'scottish' people have something in their DNA that makes them just stupid cunts (as Jim Jefferies would state it)?
Probably not.
There must something socially not functioning very well in Scotland.
And once you recognize what it is, you can deal with it.
Just people yelling 'Stupid Scotsmen, no wonder they die in the streets' makes no sense.
The same thing should happen to solve the problems with discrimination. Looking for facts. Not opinions.

View attachment 4631693
Gee sounds like a bunch of daft druggies and drunks wearing dresses, perfectly normal... :D


Well-Known Member
I have some Scottish friends, and they are great fun.
Sometimes a bit self centered, because they often think that they are all descendants of the great William Wallace.
They also sometimes are not aware of their own history.
They proudly wear their kilts (and rightly so) 'because it is what our ancestors like William Wallace did'.
But in reality William Wallace lived in the 13th century and kilts first appeared in the 16th century.
They mix up science with Braveheart. :)


Well-Known Member
I have some Scottish friends, and they are great fun.
Sometimes a bit self centered, because they often think that they are all descendants of the great William Wallace.
They also sometimes are not aware of their own history.
They proudly wear their kilts (and rightly so) 'because it is what our ancestors like William Wallace did'.
But in reality William Wallace lived in the 13th century and kilts first appeared in the 16th century.
They mix up science with Braveheart. :)
I live in the heart of scottish culture and it ain't in Scotland! Cape Breton Nova Scotia, new scotland and here the kilt and gaelic was quite common years ago, the road signs are in english and gaelic. I'm of English descent myself, but it is a cultural anchor here, most came after the highland clearances and the culture stayed more static and rural than in scotland. The old ways, music and tongue were around here longer than in Scotland, our motto is Caid mille fait, a hundred thousand welcomes.


Well-Known Member
You are not reacting on anything other people say.
At least I have the decency to tell you why a lot of what you say is wrong.
And it is not wrong because I say it is wrong, or that is my opinion, but facts show you are wrong on many of the things you wrote.
If we would talk about abortion, one can argue if it is 'killing life' or 'a woman's right'. That is often a matter of opinion.
But that people of color in many countries have a shittier life because of reasons that are also out of their own control, is a fact.
And yes, many of those people could get a better education, but that is not always easy.
Scotland has about the same education system and living standards as the rest of the UK. But a smaller percentage of Scottish young people go to university. Why is that? Are they just lazy bastards? Or are they less intelligent? I doubt it, so the reason must be somewhere else.

Scotland has by far the highest number of drug deaths per capita in Europe.
Why is that? Are they stupid? Too lazy to eat an apple instead of shooting heroine? Is it because Scottish people have something in their DNA that makes them just stupid cunts (as Jim Jefferies would state it)?
Probably not.
There must something socially not functioning very well in Scotland.
And once you recognize what it is, you can deal with it.
Just people yelling 'Stupid Scotsmen, no wonder they die in the streets' makes no sense.
The same thing should happen to solve the problems with discrimination. Looking for facts. Not opinions.

View attachment 4631693
Yes mate, the reason fewer Scots go to university is 100% because Scots millenials are lazy bastards. Absolutely no other reason for it. They're an embarrassment of a species. Entitled little cunts the lot of them.
We've been through about 12 apprentices in the last 3 years cos they all literally start crying when you shout at them.
If they could concentrate on something other than what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast on Instagram then they wouldn't get shouted at.

And regarding the drug deaths if you look into it something like 80% of them are from pharmaceuticals. Most overdoses are methadone, not heroin.
We're not allowed to implement
our own drug policies though, illegal / pharma or otherwise. We must and our doctors must, obey what the English decide on that matter. If the English say pump everyone full of anti depressants rather than help them then that's what our doctors must do.
Another reason why we want indipendence.
We're trying everything we can to sort that situation out.
Our FM wants to legalise possession of all drugs so that people with unhealthy habits have better access to help without fear of the law.
We're peacefully and professionally taking steps to ensure we can fix these things for ourselves.
If we done what black people are doing we'd be rioting, destroying our own cities and stamping our feet saying "oh there's nothing we can do about it, it's all the English guys fault. "
Which it isn't. They vote for them but It's their govornments that do the damage.
They are extremely, systematically racist and prejudiced towards us but we don't take it personally.
We do the right thing and fight them at the ballot boxes and through the courts instead of stamping our feet, putting our fingers in our ears and shouting nah nah nah your all racists nah nah nah.


Well-Known Member
Again, facts please, not opinions.

Also in the past fewer Scottish young people went to university then people from England.

How would you explain that the laws that 'the English' decide about health care, do not have the same impact on people of Wales or Northern Ireland?

Independence it is not what the Scottish in a vast majority want. In 2014 only 45% of the voters voted for 'yes'.
Even in recent polls (after Brexit) these numbers are not showing a huge rise.

You could say the amount of seats that the Scottish National Party now holds (who are pro independence) show that the Scottish people want independence. But that is not true. They only have that many seats because the UK voting system is so outdated, that it never expressed the will of the people. The Scottish National Party had just 3.9 % of the votes in the whole UK and got 48 seats (of 650 seats). The Lib Dems got 11.6% and they just have 11 seats.
In Scotland the SNP got 45% of the votes, but got 80% of the seats that Scotland can claim.
Totally ridiculous system.
The Brexit Party had 2% of the votes and ZERO seats. SNP just twice as much and have 48 seats! Totally fucked up system.
But because of this fucked up system, the winners, the SNP, claimed that 'Scotland clearly voted for independence"
Which is total bollocks, and they know that.

All emotions, opinions, but not facts. Emotions can be facts as well, but when you say 'that is why we want independence' you are not speaking about the Scottish people in a majority, but for perhaps half of them.
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Well-Known Member
Again, facts, not opinions.

Also in the past fewer Scottish young people went to university then people from England.

How would you explain that the laws that 'the English' decide about health care, do not have the same impact on people of Wales or Northern Ireland?

Independence it is not what the Scottish in a vast majority want. In 2014 only 45% of the voters voted for 'yes'.
Even in recent polls (after Brexit) these numbers are not showing a huge rise.

You could say the amount of seats that the Scottish National Party (who are pro independent) now holds shows that the Scottish people want independence. But that is not true. They only have that many seats because the UK voting system is so outdated, that it never expressed the will of the people. The Scottish National Party had just 3.9 % of the votes in the whole UK and got 48 seats (of 650 seats). The Lib Dems got 11.6% and they just have 11 seats.
In Scotland the SNP got 45% of the votes, but got 80% of the seats that Scotland can claim.
Totally ridiculous system.
The Brexit Party had 2% of the votes and ZERO seats. SNP just twice as much and have 48 seats! Totally fucked up system.
But because of this fucked up system, the winners, the SNP, claimed that 'Scotland clearly voted for independence"
Which is total bollocks, and they know that.

All emotions, opinions, but not facts. Emotions can be facts as well, but when you say 'that is why we want independence' you are not speaking about the Scottish people in a majority, but for perhaps half of them.
It is interesting how 'everyone' doing something stupid gives people a false sense of cover to say the stupid things they want to say.


Well-Known Member
You are not reacting on anything other people say.
At least I have the decency to tell you why a lot of what you say is wrong.
And it is not wrong because I say it is wrong, or that is my opinion, but facts show you are wrong on many of the things you wrote.
If we would talk about abortion, one can argue if it is 'killing life' or 'a woman's right'. That is often a matter of opinion.
But that people of color in many countries have a shittier life because of reasons that are also out of their own control, is a fact.
And yes, many of those people could get a better education, but that is not always easy.
Scotland has about the same education system and living standards as the rest of the UK. But a smaller percentage of Scottish young people go to university. Why is that? Are they just lazy bastards? Or are they less intelligent? I doubt it, so the reason must be somewhere else.

Scotland has by far the highest number of drug deaths per capita in Europe.
Why is that? Are they stupid? Too lazy to eat an apple instead of shooting heroine? Is it because Scottish people have something in their DNA that makes them just stupid cunts (as Jim Jefferies would state it)?
Probably not.
There must something socially not functioning very well in Scotland.
And once you recognize what it is, you can deal with it.
Just people yelling 'Stupid Scotsmen, no wonder they die in the streets' makes no sense.
The same thing should happen to solve the problems with discrimination. Looking for facts. Not opinions.

View attachment 4631693

Those trolls aren't interested in facts except when they make them look stupid. Then they attack the messenger. Wait for it.

@EvilScotsm@n , the BBC published data that directly refutes just about everything you said. The BBC is rated very highly for accuacy and lack of bias. Should we listen to them or you?


Well-Known Member
07/21/2020 06:31 pm ET Updated 6 hours ago
Turns Out Mass Death Is Bad For The Economy
Republicans spun a false tale about sacrificing people for the economy. Democrats a certain SCUBA tour guide shouldn’t have believed it.


“As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?” mused Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in a Fox News appearance later that night. “If that is the exchange, I’m all in ... we can’t lose our whole country, we’re having an economic collapse.”

By May, Fox host Pete Hegseth was encouraging viewers to show some “courage” and go out and intentionally contract the disease as Trump insisted “we have to get our country open, and we have to get it open soon.”

In late April, Georgia began cutting off unemployment benefits and other aid to workers who refused to return to their jobs ― even workers with health complications who worked at facilities that presented a high risk of contracting the virus. Several other states followed suit, not all of them Republican. In Montana ― where Democrat Steve Bullock is governor ― state agencies have been eliminating aid to workers who refuse to return to work even with written statements from doctors declaring it to be an inappropriate medical risk.

These policies got thousands of people killed and have destroyed the livelihoods of others who refused to sacrifice themselves for a false trade-off between public health and gross domestic product. The economy in the United States cannot and will not recover until policymakers get control of the pandemic.

Lockdowns work. Not locking down just leaves more people dead among a wrecked economy. As it is today, this was true 2000 years ago when people didn't even know about germ theory. Plagues wrecked the Roman Empire's economy in the third century AD, opening it up to invasion. But they knew if they didn't contact an infected person, they wouldn't get sick. There are plenty of references to that.


Well-Known Member

Those trolls aren't interested in facts except when they make them look stupid. Then they attack the messenger. Wait for it.

@EvilScotsm@n , the BBC published data that directly refutes just about everything you said. The BBC is rated very highly for accuacy and lack of bias. Should we listen to them or you?
Mate I'd listen to you before the BBC.
They might be accurate when it comes to the rest of Britain but they sure as shit lie through their teeth with just about everything regarding us.
Example. 2 or 3 years back there was 10'000 Scots protesting outside no10 for a week solid. You won't find a single mention of it anywhere on the BBC because they don't want people to know.
If you want actual facts then you need to check Scottish sources.
And the fact that snp got x percent of the total UK vote is irrelevant when compared to other parties cos they only serve in Scotland.
And every voting constituency (with 1 exception of a small island somewhere) votes majority snp.
Every voting constituency except that same tiny one voted against brexit.
I'm not making this shit up mate if you had half a brain you'd be able to easily see for yourself.
You trying to understand Scottish politics is like me trying to understand the Irish.
I don't live there so regardless of what the English run media tells me I know that's not how life really is.


Well-Known Member
And every voting constituency (with 1 exception of a small island somewhere) votes majority snp.
Every voting constituency except that same tiny one voted against brexit.
That only has to do with the outdated British voting system.
In most democracies in Western Europe it would be like this: If you have 45% of the votes, you will get 45% of the seats.

But not in Scotland/UK. There you get 45% of the votes and you get 80% of the seats in Scottish parliament.
Now it is true that the majority of the Scottish voters, voted on parties that were against Brexit.
Because the SNP had 45% and the lib dems had almost 10%.
But that doesn't change the fact that the system is totally fucked up.
And I wonder if the SNP is in favor of changing it when Scotland would become independent.
I doubt it, because they will loose their power. "Boohhhh Britain, but Hurray for the British voting system"

They might be accurate when it comes to the rest of Britain but they sure as shit lie through their teeth with just about everything regarding us.
Example. 2 or 3 years back there was 10'000 Scots protesting outside no10 for a week solid. You won't find a single mention of it anywhere on the BBC because they don't want people to know.
What was this protest about and when was it?
Do you have a link of Scottish source?


Well-Known Member
What was this protest about and when was it?
Do you have a link of Scottish source?
Try and Google it first mate. Then if you can't find it I'll provide one.
"Scottish protest 10 downing street" would be a good place to start.
If I do need to find it though, then you must apologise for all the assumptions you've made based on what you've read and admit that I am right in regards to the media being controlled by the English to skew the truth.
To be fair they might just be reliant on English payment so that's why they do it but its 6 and half a dozen really.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say anything about the media in the UK.
As I have a habit to first investigate things and then talk.
Perhaps you are right about the BBC.
I googled before and did it again, but can't find no news about 10.000 Scottish protesters in London.
Maybe I don't search well. But I also googled it on Scottish websites.

In general: Most people who talk about 'Fake Media' (not you) are quite often not happy with the news itself. And then they start attacking the media.
I live in a country with a diversity of newspapers and TV-stations, and although I think that sometimes it could be better, I never have the feeling that they are keeping things secret to us, or that they are lying. What happens is that they look at it from a certain point of view.
And there is nothing wrong with that. As long as there is a diversity.
One of my best friends, since college is an American journalist who is really really conservative. Against gay marriage, agains abortion, freedom of religion.
But he is still a great friend and always honest. He is conservative and hates Donald Trump. He is ashamed that Trump represents his party.
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Well-Known Member
I have some Scottish friends, and they are great fun.
Sometimes a bit self centered, because they often think that they are all descendants of the great William Wallace.
They also sometimes are not aware of their own history.
They proudly wear their kilts (and rightly so) 'because it is what our ancestors like William Wallace did'.
But in reality William Wallace lived in the 13th century and kilts first appeared in the 16th century.
They mix up science with Braveheart. :)
Mate, braveheart is about as historically accurate as Mel Gibson is Scottish.
Good film though if you ignore that.

We do proudly wear our kilts at every opportunity.
It's not because our ancestors done it though.
It's not for some fabled tale of yonder mythical creatures iether.

It's because we are proud of who we are and how far we've come.
We're not ashamed that once upon a time we had to offer our wives to the local English landlords BY LAW!
We were England's bitch back then 100%.
nobody that had anything to do with it is still alive though so why would it bother us now?

Now we are just proud of who we are now and what we've become.
We're massively understated for a reason.

Go Google the biggest nuclear powers on earth and see where Scotland is.
It might say UK but just you double check where the live and loaded nukes are.
Or any for that matter.
Only Scotland is nuclear armed.
The rest of England, Ireland and Wales might have army. I've no idea what numbers to be honest but they all have absolutely ZERO nuclear capabilities.
In Scotland there's 120 live nukes and 60 in the stockpile just in case.
Again. Just Google the locations and you'll see that the media is wrong and I am right :)

Just 1 more massive reason the English media lie about us.
Cos we're armed to the tits and they have nothing.
We also have officially the world's hardest mother fuckers in the military.
45 commando !!!
That's all we need.

And our govornment is pro immigration.
We want free travel to and from other countries.
We want easy, legal immigration for even unskilled workers. We need foreign workers for massive parts of our economy and we welcome them from anywhere.

So The English made sure we left the E.U.
The longer were out the eu the harder it will be for us to sustain ourselves .
We lose foreign trade, and become more dependant on trade from the English.

Etc etc etc.
It's not a conspiracy. Just stop reading BBC and do some research. It's all pretty easy to see.