Lockdowns don't work.

And I dont care what you think either. Ive also said it several times. Sorry, youre is a Huge Minority. 12% is where you stand. Sorry to see you still need anger management, and cant carry on a normal conversation without being mad. Sad really.

Thats 87% sir, that agree with whats up. 26% just dont think it goes far enough.

Dr Fauci says we need a Decrease of Cases for 2 Weeks, a Return to Pre-Crisis Conditions in Hospitals, and to Quickly Set Up Screening, and Testing Sites

We have Achieved NONE of these Goals.

When we achieve these Milestones, Ill be all for Normalization.

Before that. No Fucking Way.

Im on the side of Science.

I have no EXPERT opinion of my own on the Lockdown because Im Not an Infectious Disease Expert, or Virologist.

So I go with what the leading researcher says. Simple as that. I dont go with feelings. Just Dr faucis facts. Thats it. Hes the bottom line for me. Facts outweigh Opinions. No Alternative Facts.
The Capitol's top doctor says there aren't enough coronavirus tests for all 100 senators, even though the White House rapidly tests anyone in contact with Trump and Pence
I have no EXPERT opinion of my own.
You are posting in the thread more than anyone else. You even posted photos of your wife and told us about your years in prison and your seven dogs.

As a gringo and a casual observer, why are you so sensitive to this thread topic that you have completely occupied it with stories about your personal life and other boring nonsense of the same sort?

I ask this question not because I want to read the answer but because it seems like maybe you really want to tell us.
Im not sensitive dude. Im just keeping the conversation going.

All you are is a name calling pussy. Carry on. I find it entertaining.

Ive never said anything about my wife since last Sunday. 5 day ago.... But you bring up my personal life, and I responded. Youre the one that brought it up, not me. Live with it. Call me shit, Ill give it back to you 100x.
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Im not sensitive dude. Im just keeping the conversation going.

You seem really scared that the economy is opening back up. I guess the boomer doomer wasn't a good enough reason to keep us young people locked inside. I don't mind it, my cardio health is really exceptional and I don't want to be cooped up inside.

You can stay in, but the lockdowns didn't work and they're being eased. Old crusty boomers just want the world to stop running.
Im not sensitive dude. Im just keeping the conversation going.

All you are is a name calling pussy. Carry on. I find it entertaining.

Ive never said anything about my wife since last Sunday. 5 day ago.... But you bring up my personal life, and I responded. Youre the one that brought it up, not me. Live with it. Call me shit, Ill give it back to you 100x.
Op starts thread then calls everyone that doesn’t agree dumb and stupid..... cries and complains when trolled ....... interesting lol.
No. I just want the guidelines followed that Fauci says need to be observed. Simple as that.

Im not an infectious disease specialist, or an expert on viology, which he is.

Il go by what he recommends. Thats it. Like I said. I have no opinion, because I rely on one of if not the #1 Experts in the World in Virology, and Infectious Diseases for my guidelines. Scared has nothing to do with it.

Though I do take care of my 81 years old uncle, and would hate to be the one to bring the virus into the house, and kill him. Im scared for him. Not myself.

But as I said, I listen to Dr Fauci, and he is my basis for my information. Not any one on the forums, or noninfectious disease specialist.
I believe in the scientists. Thats it. Simple enough. It aint complicated. President, Congress, and Economists have ZERO to add to the discussion.

But I guess Fauci is just another Deep Stater, and has an agenda. Fauci also isnt a Baby Boomer. So I put my faith into a Pre Boomer. He was born in 1940.

When these guidlines are met, Im all in. Until them?? FUCK NO!!!

Dr Fauci says we need a Decrease of Cases for 2 Weeks, a Return to Pre-Crisis Conditions in Hospitals, and to Quickly Set Up Screening, and Testing Site
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No. I just want the guidelines followed that Fauci says need to be observed.
I stopped reading here because I don't care about what you want or fauci guidelines. I don't mind if I'm rude but I'm not trying to be. Fauci is not in any kind of position of authority to order anyone to stay home and even if he was I would gladly tell him to go fuck himself.

In any case, states are easing. All of them will, long before there's a vaccine or herd immunity and that's OK with me. You don't have to go outside but if you do, whatever, I don't care. That's your choice.
While I'm not going to take sides on this, it's good to see there are those left with some balls:

"The step came as hundreds of conservative activists, including some who were openly carrying guns, returned to the Capitol to denounce her stay-at-home order."
Balls you say?.....lol
Michigan governor extends state emergency order despite Trump tweet backing protesters
Whitmer signed a series of executive orders hours before the state of emergency was set to expire on April 30 and extended it to May 28, citing the growing number of cases and deaths in the state from the disease. The Democratic governor said that in some counties in western and northern Michigan, cases are doubling every six days or faster.
I’m thinking he’s feeling a bit inadequate due to his short sightedness in not preparing for an emergency so now his family is suffering due to him. We need to cut him some slack for not thinking of his families needs...... it really is sad actually. Hopefully he’ll be back snorkelling soon with the tourists.
I told him to start digging years ago...smh
I stopped reading here because I don't care about what you want or fauci guidelines. I don't mind if I'm rude but I'm not trying to be. Fauci is not in any kind of position of authority to order anyone to stay home and even if he was I would gladly tell him to go fuck himself.

In any case, states are easing. All of them will, long before there's a vaccine or herd immunity and that's OK with me. You don't have to go outside but if you do, whatever, I don't care. That's your choice.

Fauci is the #1 Authority on Infectious Disease Spread.

So you dont care about Science. Science Denier, just another Trumptard.

Ill go with the Science vs a Science Denier. Or FEELINGS.

You said it. You simply dont care about scientific facts.

Fauci is widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on infectious diseases.[3][4] As a physician with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Fauci has served American public health in various capacities for over 50 years, and has been an advisor to every U.S. president since Ronald Reagan.[3] He has made contributions to HIV/AIDS research and other immunodeficiencies, both as a scientist and as the head of the NIAID at the NIH.

In 1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI) at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.[10] In 1974, he became Head of the Clinical Physiology Section, LCI, and in 1980 was appointed Chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation. In 1984, he became director of NIAID, a position he still holds as of 2020.[4] In that role he has the responsibility for an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research on infectious and immune-mediated illnesses.[10] He has turned down several offers to lead his agency's parent, the NIH, and has been at the forefront of U.S. efforts to contend with viral diseases like HIV, SARS, the 2009 swine flu pandemic, MERS, Ebola and COVID-19.[11]

He played a significant role in the early 2000s in creating the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief[12] and in driving development of biodefense drugs and vaccines following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.[13]

Fauci has been a visiting professor at many medical centers, and has received 30 honorary doctorates from universities in the U.S. and abroad.[14]

Fauci has made important scientific observations that contributed to the understanding of regulation of the human immune response, and is recognized for delineating the mechanisms whereby immunosuppressive agents adapt to that response. He developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis. In a 1985 Stanford University Arthritis Center Survey of the American Rheumatism Association, membership ranked Fauci's work on the treatment of polyarteritis nodosa and granulomatosis with polyangiitis as one of the most important advances in patient management in rheumatology over the previous 20 years.[15][16]

Fauci has contributed to the understanding of how HIV destroys the body's defenses leading to the progression to AIDS. He has outlined the mechanisms of induction of HIV expression by endogenous cytokines.[16] Fauci has worked to develop strategies for the therapy and immune reconstitution of patients with the disease, as well as for a vaccine to prevent HIV infection. His current research is concentrated on identifying the nature of the immunopathogenic mechanisms of HIV infection and the scope of the body's immune responses to HIV.

In 2003, the Institute for Scientific Information stated that from 1983 to 2002, "Fauci was the 13th most-cited scientist among the 2.5 to 3 million authors in all disciplines throughout the world who published articles in scientific journals".[9]

Fauci is a member of the National Academy of Sciences; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; the National Academy of Medicine; the American Philosophical Society; and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters; as well as other numerous professional societies including the American Society for Clinical Investigation; the Infectious Diseases Society of America,; and the American Association of Immunologists. He serves on the editorial boards of many scientific journals; as an editor of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine; and as author, coauthor, or editor of more than 1,000 scientific publications, including several textbooks.[14]

What are your qualifications???
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Fauci warns states rushing to reopen: 'You're making a really significant risk'

But if governors rush to reopen when they aren't ready, Fauci cautioned that the move would likely only set back the progress their states have made.
"There's no doubt in my mind that when you pull back mitigation, you're going to start seeing cases crop up here and there," he said. "If you're not able to handle them, you're going to see another peak, a spike, and then you almost have to turn the clock back to go back to mitigation."
New York is not the whole USA, and NY has had shutdowns too.

Yesterday 2600+ died in the USA in 1 day.

No State has gone 2 weeks and meeting Faucis Guidelines. Nope. Not Yet. Its a good start. See if it lasts 2 weeks.

On Tuesday around 1400 died in USA. 2-3 days later its up to 2600+. Testing ability is also not good. Covid Deaths are up, Nationwide.

The past three days are an illustration of that. Tuesday's death toll was 1,378, but the next day the total shot back up to 2,096. And on Thursday, it increased again: 2,612 people died on that day.
Fauci is the #1 Authority on Infectious Disease Spread.

So you dont care about Science. Science Denier, just another Trumptard.

Ill go with the Science vs a Science Denier. Or FEELINGS.

You said it. You simply dont care about scientific facts.
I actually said none of those things. Fauci has no political authority. He makes a recommendation. You just completely took your rant in your own direction.

Jails, hospitals and nursing homes are the most likely places of infection and lockdowns aren't changing that at all.

Fauci makes medical determinations. He has no expertise in government, in law enforcement, in politics or in economics. He has no authority. His opinion, if you want to appeal to authority, is only valid regarding infectious disease.

Your opinion, since you clearly have difficulty reading, is useless. I'm sure you will continue writing diatribes in this thread though because you're an institutionalized boomer who thinks that everyone should be locked inside to keep you safe, regardless of what's in their interest.
Hell fuck no, lockdowns dont work. Come out here to Detroit, these fools are crazy as shit out here, NO ONE is locked down stay safe stay home lol

Busy as hell out here ain't no one doing lockdown

I wonder why SE Michigan has the most Covid cases in the state ?