Lockdowns don't work.

@doublejj your hero

“forcible imprisoning”

Elon Musk slams ‘fascist’ coronavirus lockdowns
“It’s breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why they came to America or built this country,” Musk said. “What the f–k? Excuse me. Outrage.”
Musk is a white dude, born and raised in South Africa, whos parents owned an Emerald Mine. Yeah. Ill look to him for guidance.

How many minorities did his dad company work to death for peanuts?
Regardless of what any politition says, Ill go with what Dr Fauci says.

States warned against 'leapfrogging' on coronavirus reopening guidelines

With more than half of US states partially reopening by end of the week, the nation's top infectious disease doctor is warning against the dangers of "leapfrogging" coronavirus guidelines in an attempt to restart local economies.

States are taking chances by reopening when they've not met the guidelines issued by the federal government, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The guidelines include a decrease in cases over a 14-day period, a return to pre-crisis conditions in hospitals and the ability to quickly set up screening and testing sites.

Without those measures in place, some states could see a jump in cases, leading to more deaths than predicted, health experts have said.

"There are some states, some cities, or what have you, who are looking at that and kind of leapfrogging over the first checkpoint. And I mean obviously you could get away with that, but you are making a really significant risk," Fauci said during CNN's town hall on coronavirus Thursday night. "I hope they can actually handle any rebound that they see.

NONE of the states have reached the guidelines that need to be reached before reopening businesses.

The guidelines include a decrease in cases over a 14-day period, a return to pre-crisis conditions in hospitals and the ability to quickly set up screening and testing sites.

NONE have reached this benchmark. ZERO. NONE. NADA. ZIP.
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Musk is a white dude, born and raised in South Africa, whos parents owned an Emerald Mine. Yeah. Ill look to him for guidance.

How many minorities did his dad company work to death for peanuts?
You're a white dude who married a probinsyana two decades younger and put her through college so she could support you, but the Musk post wasn't for your benefit, I don't really give a fuck about him. It's for the guy I tagged in the comment. Don't go making racial judgements when you're about the same kind of meme.
I never put her through college to support me dude. There was no guarantee she could even pass college. Her English was very bad for someone wanting to go to college.. I married her because I love her, and did everything possible for her, because I love her. No other reason dude.
Going to college was her dream since she was a little girl.

When she did her studies, she had to write it out in Tagalog, Translate it into English, and then had one of her girlfriends that is really good in English, go back over it for punctuation, and other corrections.

BUt your crazy if you think I sent her to college to support me.

And she still tells me to this day how much she loves me because I loved her, and supported her when she had nothing. I sent money to her family in Philippines to build a block home, instead of living in a bamboo hut. Not wanting anything in return. Only that my wife knew I accepted her family, and she knew I would help them at any possible time they needed help, and I could help them... I got them a TV, and Electricity the first year my wife came to USA in 2002. I gave the vilage $500 to dig a well so they didint have to walk 1/4 mile to the river... I never ever in my life did things for her, or her family because I thought I would get something in return. I did it because she is a good, and caring person that deserved to be loved, and done right because she had lived a miserable fucking life dude.
I did what I did because I saw a good woman, that I loved, and cared about, who never had a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out of.
We are best friends, and never get tired of each others company still to this day. When she has a day off, its with me she wants to spend the time, not her girlfriends, or anyone else. She knows I would cut my head off for her if I had to.

Youre retarded if you think I had ulterior motives. I did everything because it was her dream as a little girl to be someone, and be a success in life, Instead of living in a village in the middle of the jungle in Panay with no running water, or electricity, no shoes, or feminine products. I was the one lucky enough to find her, and love her with all the strenght in my heart, and body.

I don't give a fuck about you. I didn't post the thing about Elon Musk for you. I didn't make the thread to learn about your stupid boring life and I really don't care to know, gringo. If I had a buck for everytime I thought about you, I'd be fucking broke.
When will US reach 100,000 deaths? After a horrific April, grim milestone could hit in May.

Determining whether the death rate is on the rise or decline has been a difficult proposition. It can be argued that the peak of the virus hit on April 16, when the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus database recorded 4,591 U.S. deaths in a single day. That peak occurred in the same week when New York City reclassified several thousand deaths as coronavirus related.

The past three days are an illustration of that. Tuesday's death toll was 1,378, but the next day the total shot back up to 2,096. And on Thursday, it increased again: 2,612 people died on that day.

States with the largest increases in COVID-19 cases in the past week have no statewide stay-at-home orders, such as Nebraska and Iowa, which reported a 70% and 86% increase, respectively, in new cases per 100,000 residents over the seven days ending on April 29, according to 24/7 Wall Street.

The IHME model, which has predicted at most 93,000 deaths, uses mobility data gathered from four companies, including Google and Facebook. After adding recently available numbers for presumptive deaths – those not tested but believed to have been killed by the virus – the model’s forecast rose from 67,000-plus deaths to 72,000-plus.

The IHME model has been accused of being overly optimistic. Others predict the nation will reach 100,000 deaths in the latter part of May. That’s the case for the model produced by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which features detailed state-by-state information that includes one-week and six-week forecasts as well as situational updates.

Youyang Gu, a data scientist whose model is one of seven listed by the CDC website, concurs with the late-May estimate for reaching six figures. Gu’s COVID-19 Projections, which relies on data from Johns Hopkins to forecast future deaths through a combination of artificial intelligence and a classic infectious-disease model, factors in the expected loosening of stay-at-home orders

Gu foresees as many as 166,000 deaths from COVID-19 by Aug. 4, more than twice as many as the IHME, and trouble ahead for states reopening without knowing whether the virus has been contained.

“We believe this will cause the infection rate to increase in those states, leading to a ‘second wave,’’’ Gu said.

“If COVID-19 does start spreading more quickly, it will take several weeks before we see the impact in the mortality data,’’ Meyers said. “Since COVID-19 deaths typically occur several weeks after a person is infected, an increase in transmission around May 1 may not be apparent in the mortality data until the end of May
You need to go to anger management. Youre also the one that said I married my wife so she could support me.
Which is a lie.

Gringo huh?? If all ya got is name calling, Id say you have issues. Cant even have a normal conversation without calling people names.. Youre whats wrong in the world.
While I'm not going to take sides on this, it's good to see there are those left with some balls:

"The step came as hundreds of conservative activists, including some who were openly carrying guns, returned to the Capitol to denounce her stay-at-home order."
States warned against 'leapfrogging' on coronavirus reopening guidelines

With more than half of US states partially reopening by end of the week, the nation's top infectious disease doctor is warning against the dangers of "leapfrogging" coronavirus guidelines in an attempt to restart local economies.

States are taking chances by reopening when they've not met the guidelines issued by the federal government, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The guidelines include a decrease in cases over a 14-day period, a return to pre-crisis conditions in hospitals and the ability to quickly set up screening and testing sites.

Without those measures in place, some states could see a jump in cases, leading to more deaths than predicted, health experts have said.

"There are some states, some cities, or what have you, who are looking at that and kind of leapfrogging over the first checkpoint. And I mean obviously you could get away with that, but you are making a really significant risk," Fauci said during CNN's town hall on coronavirus Thursday night. "I hope they can actually handle any rebound that they see.

NONE of the states have reached the guidelines that need to be reached before reopening businesses.

The guidelines include a decrease in cases over a 14-day period, a return to pre-crisis conditions in hospitals and the ability to quickly set up screening and testing sites.

NONE have reached this benchmark. ZERO. NONE. NADA. ZIP.

Give em 3 weeks after they open things up. See how that works out.
You need to go to anger management. Youre also the one that said I married my wife so she could support me.
Which is a lie.

Gringo huh?? If all ya got is name calling, Id say you have issues. Cant even have a normal conversation without calling people names.. Youre whats wrong in the world.
Cool thanks, glad my thread makes you so happy and entertains you, gringo.
No, I just tried to give some info to the conversation. You jump in and accuse, and name call. Simple as that.
Homosexual Incestual Necrophiliac.

I can call names too.
You need to go to anger management. Youre also the one that said I married my wife so she could support me.
Which is a lie.

Gringo huh?? If all ya got is name calling, Id say you have issues. Cant even have a normal conversation without calling people names.. Youre whats wrong in the world.
I’m thinking he’s feeling a bit inadequate due to his short sightedness in not preparing for an emergency so now his family is suffering due to him. We need to cut him some slack for not thinking of his families needs...... it really is sad actually. Hopefully he’ll be back snorkelling soon with the tourists.
Sigh. "Your" thread is the troll thread Dude! :roll:

My thread got trolled. I put a bunch of well researched and composed armuents in here with citations and patiently replied to the arguments made in retort.

You know it. Just because some people don't like the conclusions, they've literally spammed with post after post just to bury those arguments. Don't get it twisted, it's all there, the only reason this thread is so long is because so many posts like that were made to bury those posts. This fucking guy in particular has been doing it on purpose for days. Only one person here has even had the courtesy to treat it like a debate and actually try to explicate the arguments.

Anyone can take the time and read it and see that. They won't. But they can.

I'm supposed to have people shadowing me, responding on the thread but not clicking reply and not actually addressing arguments or explicating them, and then telling me dumb fucking personal stories...

What? I don't give a fuck about him. Do I have to give a fuck about him now?
Yeah, Id never have called him anything, until he accuses me of things that arent true. Its a shame people cant disagree without name calling. But I can name call with the best of em, if thats waht he wants to do. May even get me banned. I got banned from Roll It Up because I wouldnt take someones shit. But its not my nature to call people nemes, unless Im trying to provoke them.
Ive put up all kinds of facts, but get name called, when Ive NEVER called you anything ever, until you started it.


61% of Americans think the lockdown is a good idea. And another 26% say it doesnt go far enough.

Only 12% think its gone to far.. 1% Undecided.

87% think the lockdown is either a good idea, or doesnt go far emough. Those that disagree ( 12% ) are in a huge minority.
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I’m thinking he’s feeling a bit inadequate due to his short sightedness in not preparing for an emergency so now his family is suffering due to him. We need to cut him some slack for not thinking of his families needs...... it really is sad actually. Hopefully he’ll be back snorkelling soon with the tourists.

I'm not tagging you to tell on this guy, I'm just showing you what kind of shit people are posting here. You see this shit? I'm the one getting trolled.
Ive put up all kinds of facts, but get name called, when Ive NEVER called you anyhting ever, until you started it.


61% of Americans think the lockdown is a good idea. And another 26% say it doesnt go far enough.

Only 12% think its gone to far.. 1% Undecided.

87% think the lockdown is either a good idea, or doesnt go far emough. Those that disagree ( 12% ) are in a huge minority.
61% of Americans can isolate themselves then and another 26% can go live in China and have their doors welded shut.
Youre the one that brought up my personal life DOOD
No. I literally never wanted to know a fucking thing about you. You have been here telling your life story because you think it's interesting. It's lame as fuck and I don't fucking care. I didn't want to see pictures of your wife. I didn't want to know how many dogs you have, how many years you spent in prison, none of it.

I literally have no fucking concern for you. I don't care. I said it several times. I don't give a fuck about you.