Lockdowns don't work.

Im only quotng an expert. Not my opinion because I dont have one, as Im not an expert on viruses.

The guy above is, and Dr Fauci also said the same thing.

Dr. Fauci urges caution about relying on coronavirus antibody tests

Argue all you wish. Ill listen to the experts. When they say Ok, then Ill agree. Its just not known
Thank you for the interesting article!
Fuck a bunch of economists. I only care about what the Scientists say.

Again. Presence of antibodies does not guarantee immunity, not does it mean one cannot contract the virus again.

Public Health Dayton Montgomery County said Tuesday the presence of antibodies does not mean there is an immunity to COVID-19 coronavirus and it does not mean you cannot contract the virus again.
View attachment 4545791
I really wish you idiots would stop rewriting history one shitty meme at a time.

"In the summer of 1918, as the Great War raged and American doughboys fell on Europe’s killing fields, the City of Brotherly Love organized a grand spectacle. To bolster morale and support the war effort, a procession for the ages brought together marching bands, Boy Scouts, women’s auxiliaries, and uniformed troops to promote Liberty Loans –government bonds issued to pay for the war. The day would be capped off with a concert led by the “March King” himself –John Philip Sousa."

Lockdowns don’t work, this article says so! And if you are “interested” they also have some anti abortion articles and anti same sex marriage articles.
Very interesting!!!
PS I forgot ......MAGA
Lockdowns don’t work, this article says so! And if you are “interested” they also have some anti abortion articles and anti same sex marriage articles.
Very interesting!!!
PS I forgot ......MAGA

It's none of my business to tell a person whether they can have an abortion or not, but if you are in favor of abortions (ending lives) and also in favor of "lockdowns save lives" would it be safe to say you are cheering for two opposing teams at once ?

You've been drinking clorox haven't you ? I like the lemon scented stuff, on the rocks myself!

It's none of my business to tell a person whether they can have an abortion or not, but if you are in favor of abortions (ending lives) and also in favor of "lockdowns save lives" would it be safe to say you are cheering for two opposing teams at once ?

You've been drinking clorox haven't you ? I like the lemon scented stuff, on the rocks myself!

View attachment 4546042

Abortions arent spreading a potentially deadly virus.

Like you said, its not my/your business to tell people if they can have an abortion, or not.

Its Law that its legal, and is not contagious. Its not legal to spread a virus. If you purposefully cough on someone you can be charged with assault.

Abortion is LEGAL.

Intentionally spreading the coronavirus could be considered an act of terrorism, federal officials have said.
Criminal Code, for coughing or spitting on someone to be considered assault it has to be done intentionally. “Coughing unintentionally or spitting unintentionally is not going to amount to an assault under the Criminal Code,” Fitzpatrick said.

Amid increasing reports of people trying to purposely expose others to COVID-19 while mocking the pandemic, Politico reports a top official with the U.S. Department of Justice sent a memo saying coronavirus qualifies as a “biological agent” under national terrorism-related statutes.

I myself like to Inject my Bleach. A good 10cc shot is a really good buzz. Also snorting Draino will really kill the virus in your sinuses.

Ive heard tRUmp is sticking an ultraviolet light up his ass to light up his brain. May get sunburn. He may like it.
Doctors warn coronavirus causing sudden strokes in some younger asymptomatic patients

Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at New York's Mount Sinai Health System, told CNN about five partially or wholly asymptomatic coronavirus patients under the age of 50 whom he and his colleagues treated. He said the patients seemed to have suffered increased clotting in large arteries, causing severe stroke.

"Our report shows a seven-fold increase in incidence of sudden stroke in young patients during the past two weeks. Most of these patients have no past medical history and were at home with either mild symptoms (or in two cases, no symptoms) of Covid,"

Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at New York's Mount Sinai Health System, told CNN about five partially or wholly asymptomatic coronavirus patients under the age of 50 whom he and his colleagues treated. He said the patients seemed to have suffered increased clotting in large arteries, causing severe stroke.

Our report shows a seven-fold increase in incidence of sudden stroke in young patients during the past two weeks. Most of these patients have no past medical history and were at home with either mild symptoms (or in two cases, no symptoms) of Covid,"

Doctor Finds Lung Damage In Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patient

  • Man, 59, showed lung damage due to COVID-19
  • Patient was asymptomatic and healthy days prior
  • Patient now in critical condition in the ICU
A doctor found lung damage in a COVID-19 patient who was asymptomatic just days earlier.

Dr. Keith Mortman, chief of thoracic surgery at George Washington University Hospital created a 360-degree image of the lungs of a male coronavirus patient, 59, who was generally healthy except for a history of high blood pressure.
“I myself like to Inject my Bleach. A good 10cc shot is a really good buzz. Also snorting Draino will really kill the virus in your sinuses.”

Does it burn? I snorted meth once in my 20’s and it burned like a mofo ...... i didn’t really like it but I’m thinking it may also be a cure. I’m gonna write a letter to Trump so he can tell everyone it may work.
Abortion is murder and pandemics are hoaxes.

Communicable viruses don’t spread through contact
You don’t need to convince me ....... it’s been researched for hours and hours by way more interesting and sciencey people than myself.
I am packing up my umbrella and heading to the beach right now btw.
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"We know that during severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, heart function may decrease. Sometimes this decrease is a consequence of the systemic inflammatory response to infection, and occasionally, in some people, because of direct viral infection in the heart."

But we are planning for this in 15 years from now right?
But you said that this would affect 15% of the population in a direct retort to my post about 15% of the population of a city in Germany having the infection, as if to say that everyone who is infected will suffer extensive heart and lung damage.

The article you cited makes no such claim.
Doctor Finds Lung Damage In Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patient


  • Man, 59, showed lung damage due to COVID-19
  • Patient was asymptomatic and healthy days prior
  • Patient now in critical condition in the ICU
A doctor found lung damage in a COVID-19 patient who was asymptomatic just days earlier.
He wasn't asymptomatic when he was in the ICU with symptoms.
It’s ok @Grandpapy, I’m pretty sure most know what you were saying, seemed pretty straightforward. Hopefully those 15%, at some point become aware of the “possible” and “extent” of the damage the virus “may” pose. Thank you for the interesting post
A study showing that convalescent plasthma therapy is very effective. That's antibody treatment.
The results from 10 severe adult cases showed that one dose (200 mL) of CP was well tolerated and could significantly increase or maintain the neutralizing antibodies at a high level, leading to disappearance of viremia in 7 days. Meanwhile, clinical symptoms and paraclinical criteria rapidly improved within 3 days.

The house arrest crowd is certain that antibodies don't make you immune though.
“I myself like to Inject my Bleach. A good 10cc shot is a really good buzz. Also snorting Draino will really kill the virus in your sinuses.”

Does it burn? I snorted meth once in my 20’s and it burned like a mofo ...... i didn’t really like it but I’m thinking it may also be a cure. I’m gonna write a letter to Trump so he can tell everyone it may work.

Back in the 70s I use to do all kinds of drugs. Many by injection.

They used to have Desoxyn which is pharmaceutical Meth. 15mg. I think its still sometimes used for ADHD.

I used to do 10 in a shot, and it would burn like a MoFo. Used to shoot LSD, PCP, Coke, MDA, Tuinal, Seconal, Percodan, K4 Dilaudid. Desoxyn comes in a small yellow pill thats as hard as a rock You have to soak them for 6-8 hours before they will break down. Theyll break your teeth if you try and bite them. Cant break them with a hammer. My 2 favorites though were LSD, and PCP.

I OD'd in 76 shooting 1:1000 solution 95 units of Epinephrine/Adrenaline, and thats when I stopped everything but weed. Cigs, and alcohol included. 1.5 years later I started exercising, and watching what I ate. Havent been drunk, or drank in decades.

I got the idea of doing Adrenaline from A Clockwork Orange. They used to go to Milk Bars, and drink Adrenachrome, which is 1;10 solution Adrenaline. The purest made. They use it for brain operations to keep blood pressure up. What I did they use for heart attacks, but is injected into the muscle. They use 1:10,000 for Bee Stings.
Adrenaline was some nasty shit. Gave me a head, and stomachache for a week. Also makes you not be able to breathe. Only reason I survived is because its very fast acting, doesnt last long, and I was young, and strong. Id be dead if I did it now. Dr said it would have killed most people. Its not made to shoot IV. Muscle, skin only. A girl I know shot Comet, and lost her arm. Ripoffs gave her Comet, or Ajax. She did live though.

I loved all that shit, but realize its stupid to do it, and asking for a short life, and potential brain damage.
But you said that this would affect 15% of the population in a direct retort to my post about 15% of the population of a city in Germany having the infection, as if to say that everyone who is infected will suffer extensive heart and lung damage.

The article you cited makes no such claim.

He wasn't asymptomatic when he was in the ICU with symptoms.

No, I said,

So 15% of the population is unaware of the extent of the damage to their Heart and Lungs, I guess we have 10-20 yrs to figure that out.

It's the wise man who doesn't know what he doesn't know. Those that do, (know it all) find out the hard way.
No, I said,

So 15% of the population is unaware of the extent of the damage to their Heart and Lungs, I guess we have 10-20 yrs to figure that out.

It's the wise man who doesn't know what he doesn't know. Those that do, (know it all) find out the hard way.
I just read something yesterday that shows an alarming amount of 30 and 40 year olds are having strokes after catching the virus.