Lockdowns don't work.

That guys a beast, but most Seals dont run near that much. He takes it upon himself to run that much, and also must love to run....You can also run 3x the distance you train for. If you have been running 10 miles a day, for a good length of time, the general rule is one can run 3x the distance you train for..

It would be nice to see his marathon time. Im sure he can crack 2:40. Maybe 2:20

Theres also no way one can run as much as he does, and maintain 220lbs bodyweight,. Arnold at the 1976 Mr Olympia, at a height of 6'2" only weighed 225lbs.

When I train for a 50 miler, I build up to 100 miles a week over time. But I usually keep my basic training to 40-60 miles a week. + lifting weights, and calisthenics. Ive also been consistent since 1978. 40 miles a week is considered the minimum needed to successfully run a Marathon. If you dont run enough, and push your limits, you greatly increase the risk of injury. Most people also do Periodized training, and build up to a peak over time. Usually after 10-12 weeks training, people take a week or so off for recovery, and then start another build up phase.

But if one has been running consistently 40 miles aa week for a year, you could finish a 50 miler if you have the will to do it.

Seals boot camp they usually dont run more than 10 miles.

The world record holder in the Marathon Eliud Kipchoge runs no more than 120 miles a week. Many of the Kenyans run 210+ miles a week.
Eliud Kipchoge breaks two-hour marathon mark by 20 seconds .

To pass the Army Ranger physical fitness test, you are judged in the 17 to 21 age bracket, regardless of your age. You must complete a five-mile run in 40 minutes, and do 49 pushups, six chinups and 59 situps. In addition, Rangers must be able to swim 15 meters weighed down with their uniform, including boots.

Even the Seals do Periodization. Every serious trainer does and is the key to success over time.

Initial Workout
Initial BUD/S recruits are required to build up to a 16-mile-per-week running regimen. This is a nine-week program that begins with running 2 miles a day at an 8:30 pace, for three days a week. This continues for the first two weeks, with a week of rest. Week four increases this amount to 3 miles a day. Weeks five and six increase the running to four days a week, to 2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, then 2 miles, on each day of the workweek respectively, resting on Wednesday. The last three weeks increase this regimen further to 4 miles the first two days, 5 miles, then 3 miles, for a total of 16.

Continued Running Regimen
The second phase of the run training builds the trainee up to a 30-mile-per-week level. The routine ramps up to five days a week, excluding Wednesdays and Sundays as rest days. The first two weeks work out to 3 miles, 5 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles, then 2 miles for a total of 19 miles each week. This pace is steadily built up for the next few weeks until the seventh week, when 6 miles are run each day for a total of 30 miles.
Initial Entry Training
Aspiring SEALs must first pass a BUD/S physical fitness screening before being admitted to BUD/S. Screening at this level requires the aspiring SEAL to complete a battery of tests that emulate the minimum basic requirements of SEAL training. The running component of this test requires the applicant to run 1.5 miles in 11 minutes minimum. Realistically, to be competitive for SEAL training, you will need to run faster.

Mental Toughness
Much of BUD/S and SEAL training includes arduous endurance-based training that is both high-intensity but also high in duration or repetition. Long ocean swims, pyramid calisthenic workouts and even running longer distances can become quite boring and even painful when combined with other training. While SEAL training is designed to be difficult for everyone, regardless of their physical abilities and capabilities, much of what makes successful SEALs successful is mental fortitude to tough out the pain and discomfort.
tRUmp as of 10 days ago said we were only going to have 60,000 deaths MAX. A number that was surpassed 4 days later... Now he says 75,000 - 100,000.. Were already at 70,000

Projections say up to 243,000
Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab

Nsikan Akpan

8 hrs ago
Anthony “Tony” Fauci has become the scientific face of America’s COVID-19 response, and he says the best evidence shows the virus behind the pandemic was not made in a lab in
Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, shot down the discussion that has been raging among politicians and pundits, calling it “a circular argument” in a conversation Monday with National Geographic.

“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci says. Based on the scientific evidence, he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped.

Fauci is most concerned that the United States will be put to the test this fall and winter by a second wave of COVID-19 if the country does not blunt the infection rate by the summer.

“Shame on us if we don't have enough tests by the time this so-called return might occur in the fall and winter,” he says, advising that the U.S. needs to make sure we not only have an adequate supply of tests available before a second wave hits, but also a system for getting those tests to the people who most need them.

“I don't think there's a chance that this virus is just going to disappear,” he says. “It's going to be around, and if given the opportunity, it will resurge.” As such, Fauci says the U.S. should also focus this summer on properly reinforcing the nation’s health care system, ensuring the availability of hospital beds, ventilators, and personal protective equipment for health care workers.

Fauci told National Geographic he’s concerned about states rushing to reopen before their infection rates fall. He also shared how he manages the barrage of new scientific information being released about COVID-19, and how his family and faith keep him going despite his increasingly hectic schedule.
Particularly in this graph:View attachment 4555474

You can see that the model underestimated cases early on and projects an inflection toward a sharper rise in the next several days. Reported cases early on, were above the projected estimate and are currently well below it with wide fluctuation.

This looks like they're either expecting a new outbreak epicenter to explode or a vast increase in the volume of testing. My guess is that Trump wants to avoid this testing.

I sure hope someone can pass this post on to the Coronavirus Task Force! It’s clear now that the valuable data analysis from a diving instructor has been sorely missed.
Can You Say PREMEDITATED MURDER????? Life for them has ended as they know it.

Michiganers Charged for Killing Dollar Store Officer Over Face Mask Dispute
Three Michiganers have been charged in connection to the murder of Calvin Munerlyn, a 43-year-old Family Dollar security officer who was shot in the head after telling a would-be customer to wear a face mask in the store to prevent the spread of coronavirus. One female suspect is in custody, but the two male suspects remain at large.

n a statement released Monday, Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton announced charges against three individuals: Raymonyea Travon Bishop, age 23; Larry Edward Teague, age 44 and Sharmel Lashe Teague, age 45. The Teagues are married and Bishop is their son.

Police say that at approximately 1:40 p.m. EDT, the three family members got into "a verbal altercation" with Munerlyn after he informed Sharmel that she needed to wear a face mask in the store. His comment was in accordance with the governor's April 27 executive order requiring facial coverings for anyone in an enclosed public space. Her order expires on May 15.

Sharmel allegedly began yelling at Munerlyn and spit at him before he told a cashier not to serve her and subsequently told Sharmel to leave the store. Sometime later, police say, Larry and Bishop allegedly re-entered the store, Bishop pulled out a gun and shot Munerlyn in the back of the head.

At 2:14 p.m., police were dispatched to the store and found Munerlyn bleeding from his head. He was pronounced dead at the Hurley Medical Center shortly thereafter. He leaves behind eight kids and a wife.

Now, the three aforementioned family members face a different number of charges. All three have been charged with first-degree premeditated murder and felony firearm possession. The son and father also each faces charges for carrying a concealed weapon, and the father faces additional charges for being a felon in possession of a firearm and for violating the governor's executive order.

A GoFundMe campaign organized for Munerlyn by his friend Courtney Cabine has so far raised over 10 times its initial $10,000 goal.
I agree, however that does not mean one should "endorse" the tactics of another political body just because it is opposed to the administration. One of the main points against lockdowns that have been made by the experts opposed to that strategy is that communities are then left in a conundrum with regard to ending lockdowns and seeing healthcare systems that are already overburdened seeing a new wave of patients who are now able to seek care for conditions unrelated to the pandemic. It forces a wave of visits to other peripheral medical services as well, such as dentistry and plastic surgery.

Economies are forced to ease lockdowns, because they are unsustainable and then a wave of new cases crashes onto an overburdoned economy with a famine looming. This is compounded by the very fact that they don't do enough to slow the spread yo keep the healthcare systems from being overloaded anyway. Many very senior epidemiologists and scientists from other relevant fields have made such warnings. I'll list a few of them so you can google and get informed:

Johan Giesecke, Epidemiologist (one of the most senior in the world)
Michael Osterhelm, Epidemiologist
Knut Wittkowski, Epidemiologist
Anders Tegnell, Epidemiologist
Michael Levitt, Structural Biologist and Nobel Laureate
Jay Battacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford
David Katz, MD and former director of Yale Griffin Preventive Research Center
John Ioannidis, MD and Epidemiologist

All of whom have written opeds or authored research concluding against lockdowns as a strategy in general.
I am not trying to pile on or anything, but I was curious because you listed names so I looked at a couple. The first was the Knut...

Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 7.56.35 AM.png

I quit looking at him after this warning popped up from Rockefeller U.

The next guy was super legit after looking at his CV. So I looked at some of the things he said: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/21/opinions/bergen-osterholm-interview-two-opinion/index.html
Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 8.02.43 AM.png

Doesn't seem like he is saying 'lockdowns don't work' to me.
The lagging half of the model AC is gleefully promoting.


Note that the model is in error when it counts the number of dead. It is biased on the low side for number of reported deaths, which is also an under-reporting because only people who tested positive can be counted as dying from this virus. Even so, the death cult, which is advocating we open up the economy without adequate testing, contact tracing and isolation protocols in place want the US to experience more than five thousand dead per day. This is an unnecessary sacrifice of human lives to the world order they profit from and consumerism.

Note that the OP is a tourist guide whose livelihood depends on us committing this sacrifice. Meanwhile, in the Phillippines, Duterte is enforcing a very harsh stay at home order that includes permission of shoot to kill. He even said he'd do so himself to keep the lockdown secure.

The model is a good tool to show us exactly what death cult Republicans are advocating for. We can reject their calls for this. I do. Reject the OP's call for the US to open up without adequate control processes and procedures in place. Its a call for death and the OP doesn't even live here. Might as well be a Russian Troll.
That guys a beast, but most Seals dont run near that much. He takes it upon himself to run that much, and also must love to run....You can also run 3x the distance you train for. If you have been running 10 miles a day, for a good length of time, the general rule is one can run 3x the distance you train for..

It would be nice to see his marathon time. Im sure he can crack 2:40. Maybe 2:20

Theres also no way one can run as much as he does, and maintain 220lbs bodyweight,. Arnold at the 1976 Mr Olympia, at a height of 6'2" only weighed 225lbs.

When I train for a 50 miler, I build up to 100 miles a week over time. But I usually keep my basic training to 40-60 miles a week. + lifting weights, and calisthenics. Ive also been consistent since 1978. 40 miles a week is considered the minimum needed to successfully run a Marathon. If you dont run enough, and push your limits, you greatly increase the risk of injury. Most people also do Periodized training, and build up to a peak over time. Usually after 10-12 weeks training, people take a week or so off for recovery, and then start another build up phase.

But if one has been running consistently 40 miles aa week for a year, you could finish a 50 miler if you have the will to do it.

Seals boot camp they usually dont run more than 10 miles.

The world record holder in the Marathon Eliud Kipchoge runs no more than 120 miles a week. Many of the Kenyans run 210+ miles a week.
Eliud Kipchoge breaks two-hour marathon mark by 20 seconds .

To pass the Army Ranger physical fitness test, you are judged in the 17 to 21 age bracket, regardless of your age. You must complete a five-mile run in 40 minutes, and do 49 pushups, six chinups and 59 situps. In addition, Rangers must be able to swim 15 meters weighed down with their uniform, including boots.

Even the Seals do Periodization. Every serious trainer does and is the key to success over time.

Initial Workout
Initial BUD/S recruits are required to build up to a 16-mile-per-week running regimen. This is a nine-week program that begins with running 2 miles a day at an 8:30 pace, for three days a week. This continues for the first two weeks, with a week of rest. Week four increases this amount to 3 miles a day. Weeks five and six increase the running to four days a week, to 2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, then 2 miles, on each day of the workweek respectively, resting on Wednesday. The last three weeks increase this regimen further to 4 miles the first two days, 5 miles, then 3 miles, for a total of 16.

Continued Running Regimen
The second phase of the run training builds the trainee up to a 30-mile-per-week level. The routine ramps up to five days a week, excluding Wednesdays and Sundays as rest days. The first two weeks work out to 3 miles, 5 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles, then 2 miles for a total of 19 miles each week. This pace is steadily built up for the next few weeks until the seventh week, when 6 miles are run each day for a total of 30 miles.
Initial Entry Training
Aspiring SEALs must first pass a BUD/S physical fitness screening before being admitted to BUD/S. Screening at this level requires the aspiring SEAL to complete a battery of tests that emulate the minimum basic requirements of SEAL training. The running component of this test requires the applicant to run 1.5 miles in 11 minutes minimum. Realistically, to be competitive for SEAL training, you will need to run faster.

Mental Toughness
Much of BUD/S and SEAL training includes arduous endurance-based training that is both high-intensity but also high in duration or repetition. Long ocean swims, pyramid calisthenic workouts and even running longer distances can become quite boring and even painful when combined with other training. While SEAL training is designed to be difficult for everyone, regardless of their physical abilities and capabilities, much of what makes successful SEALs successful is mental fortitude to tough out the pain and discomfort.
Coronavirus Live Updates: As Threat of Virus Persists, Trump Administration Signals It Will Wind Down Task Force
Cases are growing by 2 to 4 percent daily, and more than 1,000 people have died each day for over a month. At least 15 children in New York were hospitalized with an illness scientists worry might be linked to Covid-19.

Trump administration officials are telling members of the coronavirus task force that the White House plans to wind down the operation and it’s not clear whether any other group might replace it. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
Now, we're watching a controlled outbreak in Sweden that will result in herd immunity in mere weeks.
A broken clock is correct more times than you Dr Conflict. Where'd you get your medical degree from again?

No Evidence' Yet That Recovered COVID-19 Patients Are Immune, WHO Says
The World Health Organization has pushed back against the theory that individuals can only catch the coronavirus once, as well as proposals for reopening society that are based on this supposed immunity.

In a scientific brief dated Friday, the United Nations agency said the idea that one-time infection can lead to immunity remains unproven and is thus unreliable as a foundation for the next phase of the world's response to the pandemic.

Assuming people who get sick do become immune, we have no idea how long they’ll stay immune. (With some coronaviruses, as well as with ordinary flu, immunity lasts less than a year.) Second, assuming they stay immune, we have no idea how long it would take to reach herd immunity.

Ousted vaccine director files whistleblower complaint alleging coronavirus warnings were ignored

By Kaitlan Collins, Jeremy Diamond and Kevin Liptak, CNN

11 mins ago

Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, formally filed an extensive whistleblower complaint Tuesday alleging his early warnings about the coronavirus were ignored and that his caution at a treatment favored by President Donald Trump led to his removal.

Bright had led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority since 2016 until last month, when was reassigned to a narrower position at the National Institutes of Health.

In his whistleblower complaint, Bright says he raised concerns about US preparedness for coronavirus starting in January but was met with "indifference which then developed into hostility" by leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services.

His attorneys argue that Bright's removal from his post amounts to a violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act, claiming that Bright "has engaged in numerous instances of protected activity."

In the complaint, he says he is seeking reinstatement as BARDA's director and asking for a full investigation.
No Evidence' Yet That Recovered COVID-19 Patients Are Immune, WHO Says
The World Health Organization has pushed back against the theory that individuals can only catch the coronavirus once, as well as proposals for reopening society that are based on this supposed immunity.

In a scientific brief dated Friday, the United Nations agency said the idea that one-time infection can lead to immunity remains unproven and is thus unreliable as a foundation for the next phase of the world's response to the pandemic.

Assuming people who get sick do become immune, we have no idea how long they’ll stay immune. (With some coronaviruses, as well as with ordinary flu, immunity lasts less than a year.) Second, assuming they stay immune, we have no idea how long it would take to reach herd immunity.
Hold up a second. Dr Conflict said Sweden will have herd immunity in mere weeks.

Christie, who ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2016, said that “the message is that the American people have gone through significant death before” and compared reopening the country to the “sacrifice” made by American soldiers in World War II.

“We sacrificed those lives. We sent our young men during WWII over to Europe, out to the Pacific, knowing, knowing that many of them would not come home alive,” he said. “And we decided to make that sacrifice because what we were standing up for was the American way of life. In the very same way now, we have to stand up for the American way of life.”

It appears many believe there’s no double jeopardy on sacrifice for the greatest generation. Sigh.