Lockdowns don't work.

A UCSF doctor did some math to estimate the number of lives the San Francisco Bay Area may have saved by jurisdictions acting quickly and residents following strict shelter-in-place orders.

An excerpt from a recent Tom Woods article for your consideration -

The latest gimmick from Team Apocalypse is to ask, “Would you take a handful of jelly beans from a bowl of 100 in which one was poisoned?” This is supposed to show me that cowering in my house is the only rational response to the virus.

My reply:

The case is being framed like this: “Would you reach in and take something if there was a chance it was poison?” Well, it depends on what I would suffer if I didn’t reach in.

The people using this analogy are misleadingly suggesting that my only possible concern is the virus. But I have other concerns, too — namely, not spending months and possibly years living like a vegetable. When I reach into the bowl, they are suggesting that this is the equivalent of returning to normal life, and taking a risk. But yes, I am prepared to take that risk because I want to live a life that’s worth living.

If the jelly beans represent everything I’ve worked for my whole life, if they represent financial solvency, if they represent all my hopes, dreams, and aspirations, you’d better believe I would grab that handful and eat them without the slightest hesitation.
I wonder how US will cope with round #2+ flu season next year
We are a broken country. We don’t cope. More people die. I hope I am completely wrong but the ugly truth is we have a loser evil leader and our country could be under siege by Russian and China at any time now . I can see them show up on our shores and as a such a pussy country that we are and the Russians and China are like sharks and they smell blood..... it’s not all gonna ok and it’s not going away. We will be lucky if we don’t wake up one day and we are under siege . With them marching us into death camps because we have a President who sold us out . We are broken, perfect time to attack.
We are a broken country. We don’t cope. More people die. I hope I am completely wrong but the ugly truth is we have a loser evil leader and our country could be under siege by Russian and China at any time now . I can see them show up on our shores and as a such a pussy country that we are and the Russians and China are like sharks and they smell blood..... it’s not all gonna ok and it’s not going away. We will be lucky if we don’t wake up one day and we are under siege . With them marching us into death camps because we have a President who sold us out . We are broken, perfect time to attack.
Many people ignored all the warning signs since thump got elected. You could see this coming for a long time. There is still time to dig a few foxholes and prep for the battle. But they will find me dead on a pile of brass.....best of luck to everyone
I never ever cited the daily death toll as evidence that lockdowns don't work......cough!
I didn't either. I cited new infections.

You don’t even know which curve is supposed to flatten. In fact, you didn't even know the difference between case fatality rate and infection fatality rate
As a regular green tea drinker, nonsmoker, and vegetarian with proper hygiene my risk of contracting the 'rona is close to 0%.

You know motherfuckers out there be using public bathrooms, taking shits and not washing their hands afterward, even during a pandemic. A gay co-worker of mine said it's easier to pull teeth with a pair of plastic pliers than it is to get a bisexual to wash their hands after using a public restroom. What a time to be alive.
my risk of contracting the 'rona is close to 0%.
No. It's extremely high. Your chance of being an asymptomatic case are also very high, as they are for everyone who is young and has no underlying health issues relevant to the disease.

In fact, if you're in New York City, the chance is 1 in 5 you have already had it and didn't know.
Many people ignored all the warning signs since thump got elected. You could see this coming for a long time. There is still time to dig a few foxholes and prep for the battle. But they will find me dead on a pile of brass.....best of luck to everyone
We are jolly well fucked and shit out of luck and everything is corrupt. I will except the punishment for what it is for living in the the United States of divisiveness. You will do well, very well prepared as you are . But sooner or later you will have to come up and will have a ChiCom or a Rusky pointing an AK47 at your head and gonna March you to a sweat factory so you can make some Nike apparel for those commies. I am taking myself out before such humiliation . Death before dishonor.
We are jolly well fucked and shit out of luck and everything is corrupt. I will except the punishment for what it is for living in the the United States of divisiveness. You will do well, very well prepared as you are . But sooner or later you will have to come up and will have a ChiCom or a Rusky pointing an AK47 at your head and gonna March you to a sweat factory so you can make some Nike apparel for those commies. I am taking myself out before such humiliation . Death before dishonor.
No need, everyone is clamoring for more lockdown already.
We are jolly well fucked and shit out of luck and everything is corrupt. I will except the punishment for what it is for living in the the United States of divisiveness. You will do well, very well prepared as you are . But sooner or later you will have to come up and will have a ChiCom or a Rusky pointing an AK47 at your head and gonna March you to a sweat factory so you can make some Nike apparel for those commies. I am taking myself out before such humiliation . Death before dishonor.
I went to a local gun shop to buy more ammo today.....and it was by appointment only :shock: