LMFAO, G13 from Greedthumb isn't even DoubleD's Cut

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Well-Known Member
One thread you know of. If he would make the offer in public how do u know it wasn't made previously in private? It would explain some ppls animosity and persistancem

Its in 2 of the 6 threads titled something like "dd says" or somethin like that
WOW....i guess this is how police find shit out..


Well-Known Member
Nobody likes a snitch...

IMO, they might as well shut them all down, everything that's needed to be said has been said and I'm sure the people reading them can make their own decisions


Well-Known Member
One thread you know of. If he would make the offer in public how do u know it wasn't made previously in private? It would explain some ppls animosity and persistancem

Its in 2 of the 6 threads titled something like "dd says" or somethin like that
That post is only in one thread labeled "From DD's Himself " from a guy with one post. I don't really blame DD though I'd be pissed if someone attached my name to something that wasn't mine just to make a buck. He probably just wanted that info readily available. Though I don't think he needed to add the incentive because it's already everyhere.


Well-Known Member
Its 2 threads, the other one is titled "doc greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read" author is chongs somethin.

And 4 other threads talking about the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Its 2 threads, the other one is titled "doc greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read" author is chongs somethin.

And 4 other threads talking about the same thing.
That second one has a link and I didn't see it my bad. The rest of the threads were leading up to what came out and had bits and pieces of what was going on. The latest thread, this thread, was made to have all of the information in one place. Personally I wouldn't care if the other threads were deleted as long as this one was left for people to read and make there own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
That second one has a link and I didn't see it my bad. The rest of the threads were leading up to what came out and had bits and pieces of what was going on. The latest thread, this thread, was made to have all of the information in one place. Personally I wouldn't care if the other threads were deleted as long as this one was left for people to read and make there own conclusions.
Right on bro, like I said spead whatever msg u want but I agree with u 1 good thread with the info is better for the ppl that care about g13, and for the ones that don't, like me.


Well-Known Member
Right on bro, like I said spead whatever msg u want but I agree with u 1 good thread with the info is better for the ppl that care about g13, and for the ones that don't, like me.
The thing is it's not just about G13 really it's about liars and scammers which we have look out for because the seed business isn't regulated.


Well-Known Member
Most people already knows it's not G13, the description at most places says G13 x Widow so I don't think he's trying to say it's pure G13 and he says he used Airbornes cut which is debatable but there is no actual proof unlike this circumstance where the supposed source came out and refuted the claim.


Well-Known Member
could be,,,shit anybody charging 1000's clone or 100's for 1 bean is def a asshole
I swear this forum is bugged, everytime I try to rep you it says you need to spread it around. being that I have rep'd a good 5 or 6 people at least since the last time I repped you I'd say this shit is bugged. :lol:

But anyway, you hit the nail on the head there brother.

And for the Dr.GT fanboys.....If someone is paying 100 dollars a seed, the lineage of those genetics should not be in dispute, otherwise that shit is obviously not worth 100 a bean. (not that it ever would be lol) He shoulda got DoubleD on board with his story before he went and told everybody it was DoubleD's cut and made himself look like a jackass.


Well-Known Member
my dick is 15 inches long and 5 in diameter. i got a cut from John Holmes before he got aids. the girls LOVE IT.


Well-Known Member
so your going to believe some guy who a random website over a much respected member here at riu?? and your right, dd has no reason to lie about dr greenthumbs having his cut, as it sure would cut into that $25k per clone bs business he has going there, now wouldn't it.. for him to say that dr gt doesn't have his cut, would make idiots think that the only way to get his cut would be to spend the $25k from him, and heres the big part, hold on now as i'm sure you can't comprehend this, someone who has bought his cut at his outlandish prices.. kinda keeps the ball in his court now don't you think??

Dude you guys who keep using this 25k a clone business argument are fucking retarded. Read DoubleD's thread...HE WAS OFFERED 25K FOR A CLONE. HE DID NOT SELL IT. HE HAS NEVER SOLD A G13 CUT. EVER. HE HAS NO FUCKING 25K A CUT BUSINESS!!!!

I swear some of you should put as much time into reading/comprehending as you do shoving your head up greenthumbs ass.


Well-Known Member
um, im NOT a troll. I was just leaving a referance to exactly HOW ASSININE these type of posts are.
its always going to be a he said she said.

seems like alot of wasted bandwidth to me, just thought id do my share of Bit wasting.

see, thats why i ASKED in the other thread. I can clearly see a 100.00 a seed price from the one site, but only heard rumors of the 25,000.00 cut. If it was posted for all to see, i was just asking for a link. Id love to see ANYONE delusional enough to post a clone for 25,000.00.
100.00 per seed is pretty delusional too imo.
but.................. people pay 20,000.00 for a rolex when a Timex does just as well for 20.00
I swear this forum is bugged, everytime I try to rep you it says you need to spread it around. being that I have rep'd a good 5 or 6 people at least since the last time I repped you I'd say this shit is bugged. :lol:

But anyway, you hit the nail on the head there brother.

And for the Dr.GT fanboys.....If someone is paying 100 dollars a seed, the lineage of those genetics should not be in dispute, otherwise that shit is obviously not worth 100 a bean. (not that it ever would be lol) He shoulda got DoubleD on board with his story before he went and told everybody it was DoubleD's cut and made himself look like a jackass.
well here you go + rep
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