Lizard.King's Marijuana Diaries - AK47 - BC God Bud - BC Mango


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my grow journal this is my second real grow (the first one was half assed to the max) I have boughten seeds and I am just waiting for the arrival of my BC God and BC Mango. I have planted one seed into a jiffy puck and I am germinating 5 AK's as we speak. Thanks for stopping in there will be an update in a couple of days. Best news for me is that with all the lights on it stays at 35 Celsius. When I get home from work I'll be finding out if theres any heat problems.


P.S anyone know when I should put the fan on? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I just put the fan on whenever my lights on, but I'm using 1000w hps w/ mh bulb so if I didn't it would always be to guess is just whenever heat becomes an issue. I'm excited to see ur grow man I just started some BC God Bud about a week and a half ago.


Well-Known Member
it all depends on how your growin.. if your lights are on 24/7 then do the same with the fan.. same for 18/6 and 12/12. you will get your lights really low if your fan is blowin over the tops coolin them dwn..
with 1 400w hps the lowest i managed to get it was roughly 7 inches from the tops but was in fear of burnin them so after 4 days i lifted it a little just in case.


Well-Known Member
So my seeds still havn't fuckin germinated which is a real piss off. So I'm thinkin they may be dead because I got a whole fuck load from my friends dad and he said they were a year or so old. So I cranked 20 seeds into a pot and placed em under the lights. I still have seeds germinating but fuck come on.

My seeds from BCSeedKing have just been shipped as of yesterday and I live only a few hours away so I should get my seeds pretty quick.

And thanks goes out to those who have stopped in to check my grow out

Taker easy


Well-Known Member
Arite like they say out with the old in with the new!

My dealer just gave me a HPS bulb for FREE! So yeah I got a 250 watt bulb the only bs part is I still gotta buy a Ballast so sometime this week I'm just going to get an overpriced one from the hydroponics store


Well-Known Member
htg supply on ebay has good deals on ballasts and lights and stuff...they r a power seller and they ship stuff fast, might save you some money I know I did. I ordered my light from em it was here in 4 days


Well-Known Member
I will be keeping an eye on this thread. BC GodBud in on my list of strains to buy soon. I hope you get a purple phenotype.


Well-Known Member
Im using lights for heat beat I got the prop tray covered with the plastic top and a black towel to keep the light out so I can just pull the towel off to check and when there ready I just leave the towel off.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the grow Liz. Hope it all works out for you. I tried some of the BC God bud and man is it some killer shit. Heres to lots of females mang!


Well-Known Member
Hey Hey Hey I just got my seeds and I got great news! I got 4 extra seeds 2 in each bag woooo! So I'm germinating today and in 3 days I'll be good to go! Wooo tomorrow Acid



Well-Known Member
yeah acid will really change ur perspective on shit I took some yesterday and I watched my plants grow for like hours it was crazy then I got distracted by a noise that I was certain was coming from the kitchen...turns out it was raining outside.


Active Member
LOL at the sound in the kitchen thing. ive heard many sounds that i thought were there but really was just me. that rain 'll getcha everytime. play some call of duty 4 on acid, its fuckin intense. ninja killing skill :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My life has been changed for the better I am truly a new human being. Acid was such a wonderful thing. I have 5 more slips and I plan on tripping in the near future
But I posted my Acid story in a diff thread which I found was quite the magical trip like going nuts on Acid next to my mom and she had no idea. I just checked the seeds and my god life just doesnt stop getting better. They are already almost done!