Living the Florida Life. Kinda.

My landlord here ran for governor of Florida in 2010, and worked with Ricky Martin (Menudo) when he was younger. He owns some of their music still :lol:

Thought I'd mention it because it's hilarious, I'll be making a thread about it with pictures and maybe videos that I take while I'm here, when I move out.
ohh yeah florida has the biggest flea market too haha, that's where all the kids get there pieces when there just starting. Gets raided once in a while cause of it. Good ol' Swap Shop
ohh yeah florida has the biggest flea market too haha, that's where all the kids get there pieces when there just starting. Gets raided once in a while cause of it. Good ol' Swap Shop
i get my pipes from the crappy little mini marts, when i went to that flea market though... everyone was selling/smoking K2.. shit was everywhere lol
Coming from Detroit I amazed at how little major crime there is here. Not to long ago the D had 26 shootings in one weekend. Fort Myers has more busybodies than you can shake a stick it must have something to do with collecting old people into confined locations, i.e. condos..

If I decide to setup a small personal grow I'll have to camouflage the boxes when I bring equipment in. I'm the youngest one in the condo group-seriously, I'm not kidding.
I'm the youngest one in the condo group-seriously, I'm not kidding.


I see many new male friends in your future, some more friendly than others.;-)
Not much. Watching the grass grow (the kind you walk on) and thinking about getting the fishing license. I hear that residents fish for free! I wonder can you fish from your air conditioned car?

Watch out for... Gators, cottonmouths, snapping turtles, disease infested mosquitoes, rabid wildlife, bubonic plague (or is that just here?), and a smattering of human sized insects and arachnids. But have fun!! :D
Watch out for... Gators, cottonmouths, snapping turtles, disease infested mosquitoes, rabid wildlife, bubonic plague (or is that just here?), and a smattering of human sized insects and arachnids. But have fun!! :D
LOL, you make it so enticing I can't wait to go. I have thought about snakes and spiders. OMG!

Found 3 spiders in the spare bathroom this morning. They looked like Workmen insects, not real spiders. I still killed them. Let's say a prayer for them shall we?

Dear Lord, Please forgive these insects for entering the home of a woman that truly dislikes spiders and take them into the heart of your silky web. Also, Dear Lord, don't let Beardo's dick fall off. Amen.
ohh yeah florida has the biggest flea market too haha, that's where all the kids get there pieces when there just starting. Gets raided once in a while cause of it. Good ol' Swap Shop

We've got a flea market by us, and we were talkin to some girls that had weaves and they said everone gets their pipes, tattoos and hair there. :lol:
When I first went to florida I couldn't believe how many people would pull into the center turning lane from a drive way, or whatever. Like, instead of turning into a proper lane. I was... well, concerned I was gonna run into one of those assholes while I'm going in to make a turn.

That didn't happen, but I have since found out that not only people in Florida (miami) do this..... WHY DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS!?!? You're gonna fuckin' hit someone!
Yes I believe florida residents fish free, I was just in sanibel not to long ago and picked up my salt water license for free at the supermarket. Don't know if the same rules apply for fresh water but I'd imagine. Make sure to look up local fishing laws as game wardens down here will fuck you more then cops will some times, hit you with a nice fine for catchin illegal fishies.
Yes I believe florida residents fish free, I was just in sanibel not to long ago and picked up my salt water license for free at the supermarket. Don't know if the same rules apply for fresh water but I'd imagine. Make sure to look up local fishing laws as game wardens down here will fuck you more then cops will some times, hit you with a nice fine for catchin illegal fishies.

That's legit, I'ma get my license.