Living Soil

"Disturbing" the mycelium is basically the same as low stress training a plant. You may hit a speed bump but your not going to kill t if you do things right. A thick fluffy top dressing\/cover crop - and or both is key. If your surface goes too low humidity/field capacity of your top layer drops, your killing life. Mycelium has a very strong biology as long as the environment is conducive.
3 months is better as the reproduction rate of chemicals to microbes takes about this much time for a few healthy life cycle adaptations but setting up a month in advance will help as long as your using previously made correct compost, castings and natural forest floor amendments.
All the feedback has been awesome. I’ve decided that since I will be recycling this soil and using it for grow after grow I might as well just keep it in the 20 gal container, drill some holes in the bottom and recycle the shit out of it over many grows. I think I’ll go that route vs 2, 7 gal containers

Any issues growing out of a plastic bin????
If your recycling the soil you want to fruit some fungi and cover crop through your bin before reusing . And all plastic isn't just plastic. Leaching of distillates via the plastic can break down into your soil. At no high levels over the course of a single grow but depending on the container petroleum is usually the key ingredient. The biology/environment is breaking down the pot every day even if at a slow scale