Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
friendly banter lad. ne gauntlet mush slapping here:lol:

nah i took it easy last night, ish... got to lift a load of furniture about today with my gaffer so ill nee doubt be sweating it out... bacon butty cuppa and a bong n im good to go!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
friendly banter lad. ne gauntlet mush slapping here:lol:

nah i took it easy last night, ish... got to lift a load of furniture about today with my gaffer so ill nee doubt be sweating it out... bacon butty cuppa and a bong n im good to go!
u got any shots of ur entry yet don? bragging it all like he's gonna win but we aint even seen his entry lol ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hhahah ill show you entry son... my clones are just diddy still man, only just topped them at just shy a foot tall. you will win, i know it but my reveg is going to be epic. ive been toying with the idea of firing up my other cfl to beef it up quicker but with the rest of the clones in veg its going to be a push for space for a while.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i'm not sure u know u will have 2 rounds of practice knowing exactly what she wants, its the 1st time for me lol :) should be fun anyway like i said before, u without ph pens and ec meters, me with them. pretty much the same setup bar different boosters :) and ur bottom feeding now as well, like myself :)

edit - inudndo wednesday by the looks of things lol


Well-Known Member
damn right bro, getting a little concious of posting it now so it might be the last time u'll see it, from me anyway lol
haha nout to be concious about las, that plant will go down in history. the dog kush should give it a run for its money though. what strain are you entering don? I cant find this thread anywhere ...


Well-Known Member
just realised im a postal dumbass, well ya live n learn, pull head out of arse, move on and improve for next time methinks
out of interest you dont know of a site/link for the psychosis & livers do ya? anywhere that gives a bit of info on it, do like a bit of a read up on what im growing lol
ok lil bit if info ov what i know from these cuts being a yorkshire man myself i should know these myths lol

livers/blues is from the skunk family as is exodus cheese these 2 carry the same traits groth pattern leaf shape double srration on some leaves exept for smell one is more fruity than the other these cuts been around for around 20 years

psycosis is a myth tbh nobody knows although from what some people say its a nl#5xhaze cross an a goodone at that
psycosis is not a exodus cut but was handled and passed around the collective its not thier work

nelly cheese is their new offering which is northern lightsxcheese increased vigor smell and yield will be seen from this

This cut costs more than the cheese if you get it from the collective

sorry for the hijack sambo

hth for everyone but thats all i know ov for the elites


Well-Known Member
theres so much he said she said bout these strains although agreed newguy the livers seems very silmar to cheese,pyschosis not the same but simlar defo and ive also heard the same from some1 else although also been told its northan lights lolol what i will say tho is grown organically and pretty well or half decent at least lol at 8wks yes its some very tastey weed lovely flavour but also like told by another person lol its pretty weak at 8wks ive been told by yet another person to leave the livers to go to 70days and imo not that means much but i agree 70days defo for the livers 8wks has lots of flavour but no buzz.

pyschosis i also agree no1 no's some say its the only cross of exo cheese some say just another skunk#1 pheno but i will say i find it much stronger than the livers at 8wks.


Well-Known Member
Ive got a psycisis and nelly cut do you know what they like an how long those flower for
i dunno bout the nelly but the pyschosis go's 9wksn m8 i chopped mine at 8wks cause had stupid inspections at flat where the grow is and its still an amazing smoke very cheesy but just a little more fruity and at 8wks and they were root bound to fuck really badly but the pyscho still yielded bout 4 n half oz.


Well-Known Member
i dunno bout the nelly but the pyschosis go's 9wksn m8 i chopped mine at 8wks cause had stupid inspections at flat where the grow is and its still an amazing smoke very cheesy but just a little more fruity and at 8wks and they were root bound to fuck really badly but the pyscho still yielded bout 4 n half oz.
whats the longest anyone on here has let the psycho n livers go?


Well-Known Member
whats the longest anyone on here has let the psycho n livers go?
if ya go ava look at uk420 forum they are pretty tied up with underground origanals who have seed cross's of the livers so theres a fair few on there that got the livers a user call arnold layne ava look at his threads he no's alot bout the livers cut and couldnt recommend it enough that i let the livers go 70days and i agree cause yeah at 8wks its still some fucking fantastic STINKY smoke but imo the buzz aint there at 8wks.


Well-Known Member
think i used to much ghee tbh i used a tin n half 750g, whats on the plate was about 1/2 of what went in to the mix in total but i still think i used to much done a 4hr cook in a slow cooker.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
woah thats a whole load of ghee haha you could always add more dope and refine it again? you'll be in the clouds for a while eh sambo man lol see you when you land mate :lol:

noticed your trim is dry. ive always made it with fresh, does it taste better dry/cured?