Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
so any trick to keep the main stem short while the others catch up? as in your pics its a very even canopy
no m8 nothing i researched and knew none of the 3 strains would stretch madly they have all just grown like that its just the genetics sae.

sambo nice update fella your gunna have sore thumbs at chop time got some fine ass genetics there pal gunna be a bumper harvest for sure
love the group shot an ov course the ona for the dank

forgot to ask were these vegged under hps mh or cfl and how long for:eyesmoke:
yeah hoping for a nice yield nguy that why i went for the trees with a long veg, find with the trees you can still pull yield but keep the numbers down.

they where vegged for 4 n half wks under a 600hps you where in the thread from early ava look at page1 the hps vegged em up really nice ive tried a 250blue cfl a few times but it too slow and not that great for any more than 1-2 plants i found anymore and they stretched a little searching for light so just gonna stick to the hps for veg from now so much quicker and node spacing tighter, i used 18/6 on them might go to 20/4 on the next lot but i do feel they need a little break personally aint had much luck with 24hr veg.
im playing with plant count also thinking ov doing 5 under 1k maybe 6 at a push an veg em longer currently got 9 in at the mo flipped em at around 12" gunna see how that goes


Well-Known Member
hey, sambo. You were saying about the coco mate. I was a bit causious about jumping straight in without trying before or having any tester's or nowt. But was told to keep it simple with the canna range i had, and use 4. ml of A + B per litre straight throught flower and reduce the ammount through veg. That's basically all i done bro.


Well-Known Member
was a naughty sambo today and chopped a livers bud off lol the lil bud is STINKING lol carnt wait to smoke her ina few days, had a sample of the pyschosis aswel at 6.5 wks i no im bad but fucking el proper tastey even that early!!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i snuck one of the lemon haze at 6.5 weeks, dried it over 3 days and it was surprisingly nice lol. also found a lemon bud 2day when i was tydying up lol went down a treat after dinner :)


Well-Known Member

how did i forget this! bad sambo! im 29 now aint been into skinnyman for a good few yrs but fuck the geezer can put the lyrics together im not a huge fan of music but do like the skinnyman aint heard from him in yrs prob back in nick lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
your freuckin crack me up SAmbo.. i cant stop laughing about that post you had in fingerez journal about being drunk and posting and then deleting them all the next morning.. frekuikn CLASSIC man!!! hahah lmao
skinnyman is pretty cool
I likes his teeth!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
uk hip hop is alive and well. it nearly died a while back. check out the new wave of kids coming through ed sheernan and devlin sheernan with example doing the nando's skank lol.

today i am blasting gangstarr not uk like but mehh.

so the girls down yet or they got another few days sambo lad?
You there sambo hope everythings ok pal

just bagged myself the exodus nellycheese an psycosis you got any info on these cuts pal?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
sambo, samboo, sambooo, samboooo, sambooooo
sambo did your computer melt? are you reverting back to being a serial lerker?
come back sambo, your serial lerking dayz are over!!!!!!!!
your now out of the closet and you have no choice in the matter.
I want some bud porn and i WANT IT NOW.. lmao. only joking
hope your well
have a baked weekend m8


Well-Known Member
im finding this odd..very odd,,,,,,i expected to hear from sambo bout something, and wavey...........hmmm


Well-Known Member
Evening sambo! How's it pal, all good i hope man. So how you getting on with you'r Liver's bro? As i was saying about the taste, now its proper dryed, the taste is still like the plant's stench lol, but the smoke has a kind of black hash smell through it, and without the plant smell the Liver's taste is toxic bro. :)
I hope you get you's dilled in man, all about learning eh! Im more than sure you'll get it mate!
Going to get a few snap's up over the week-end, and including another Livres if you want a peek man.

Take it easy mate
