liver problems caused by smoking pot?

Liver Enzymes ALT OR SGPT
ALT, an enzyme appears in liver cells, with lesser amounts in the kidneys, heart, and skeletal muscles, and is a relatively specific indicator of acute liver cell damage. When such damage occurs, ALT is released from the liver cells into the bloodstream, often before jaundice appears, resulting in abnormally high serum levels that may not return to normal for days or weeks.

thats some info from the link you put up... thats my problem the ALT and SGPT... whatever that stuff is
holy shit this site has all the side effects caused by lexipro... goes on forever
In there defence I'm sure at least 10% of thoes are false side effects... if one of the people they are testing the medication just so happens to get a headach while on the pill even if it has nothing to do with the pill they need to list it as a possible side effect
Liver Enzymes ALT OR SGPT
ALT, an enzyme appears in liver cells, with lesser amounts in the kidneys, heart, and skeletal muscles, and is a relatively specific indicator of acute liver cell damage. When such damage occurs, ALT is released from the liver cells into the bloodstream, often before jaundice appears, resulting in abnormally high serum levels that may not return to normal for days or weeks.

thats some info from the link you put up... thats my problem the ALT and SGPT... whatever that stuff is

I have no Idea what it is, but apparently Cannabis while initially metabolized in the lungs, is further metabolized in the liver. The article I read did not talk about liver damage that this may cause.
yea I'm on an anti depresent called lexipro or som spellng like that.
I thought the THC goes into your blood and effects everything???
I dont know I googled marijuana smoking and liver function problems and didnt come up with much :/

Does the doc that did the blood test know you are on the anti-d? Some of them have side effects of liver problems. Normally you have to let them know ahead of time if you are taking meds even though yes you have files, sometimes things will not be there esp on depression meds because if a shrink gave it to you then it may not be there at all.
yea thats what I was wonderig... he probably dosnt know... I'm debating whether or not to tell him I smoke, because hes a doctor hed probably tell me to sto panywasy...
well letting them know all the things you take into your body is helpful on this, my doc knows I toke not much he can do bout it.. But also if it is effecting your liver you might have to cut back..

I'm doubtful its the green herb doing it, but it could be a reaction between it and the anti-depressant.. Personally I'd stop the Anti-D before pot. Though don't stop cold turkey.. thats BAD with any anti-depressant.

Myself I'm looking into getting a vape for my health.
I would also say get tested for Hep C. You never know. Your drinking water might have alot of mercury or lead. Lead paint in your house? Eat alot of fish? Hope things go well for you.
what hepatits comes from mercury and led paint?!?!
I'm sure I must have been around led paint my whole life!
Lead and mercury can fuck up your liver function. Hep C does too. Something is obviously wrong. Hepatitis spreads easier than you think. Get tested for it.
I hate pills too it took me a long time to start taking them... but now I'm taking them

all i have to say is if you cont. to take anti deppresents and other prescriptions including antiboitoics you will have a host of problems in the furture..
i would consider changing ur life style so u can ween off the meds..

drink more water, no tylonol pms- get real sleep, eat whole foods-not mcdonlads.. and try and be happy.. a good attitude goes along way..

good luck

ps oh yea the lexpro is fucking with ur liver.. lol weed you must be high.. peace out kid
all i have to say is if you cont. to take anti deppresents and other prescriptions including antiboitoics you will have a host of problems in the furture..
i would consider changing ur life style so u can ween off the meds..

drink more water, no tylonol pms- get real sleep, eat whole foods-not mcdonlads.. and try and be happy.. a good attitude goes along way..

good luck

ps oh yea the lexpro is fucking with ur liver.. lol weed you must be high.. peace out kid

I drink only water... and milk, and sometimes juice or tea. and my diet is fine, mostly natural foods, almost allways homecooked, and not much prepackaged stuff... I just eat too much :mrgreen:
ciggerettes also arnt good for your liver, and I've started smoking alot more of thoes in the last 2 months.
and as for medicines I'm alergic to almost all antibiotics, hardly ever take tylonol or advil except in the winter... and even then its rare, I ger back pains from cold for somereason, never happens in the summer.
I dont know other than smoking, the anti deprecent and being alittle overweight I cant see anything else that it can be...
are you sugesting an od sleep scedual can fuck with you like that?
mine is pretty nuts
anything can cause liver damage. genetics. pills. alcohol.disease.
if you drank a lot in the past it could be that because your liver does not repair the damage from alcohol. its not a starfish you dont just grow a new liver.
definitely go to a doctor that actually knows something about livers and get it checked out again.
I thought your liver did fix itself if you stop all the badness.
I thought exercise was frowned upon :) yea I guess I'm going to have to start, exercising, and cutting back on the smoking... but I didnt take my pill yesterday... and i had to take it today, one of my friends said somthing to me as a joke and I just snaped... not cool, so I took one :/
I thought your liver did fix itself if you stop all the badness.
I thought exercise was frowned upon :) yea I guess I'm going to have to start, exercising, and cutting back on the smoking... but I didnt take my pill yesterday... and i had to take it today, one of my friends said somthing to me as a joke and I just snaped... not cool, so I took one :/

You cant quit an anti-depressant cold turkey dude.. you have to lower your dose slowly.
Dont lower your dose at all or quit without your doctor saying it's ok. Nasty shit can happen!

this is why i hate big parma drugs.. i beleave u can find the natural alternative, but it may not be cheap...

to the OP yes diet,exercise- good sleep patterns and get off the meds.. your life will turn around..
on a side note, i do know how hard it is to change these habits.. for some people "like myself" you almost have to die before we will change.. good luck
god speed
You might want to check on the fact that marijuana kills cells, as far as I know it does not, and I know it kills less brain cells than alcohol. As for liver problems I would say no way, check into the pills you take and anything else you intake that is bad for you, you don't drink much alcohol I know but the liver is basically a filter, it filters out poisons...THC is not poison, although I am not a doctor so what I say means nothing

My advice is call your doctor and ask him what's up, don't you love how we hear such "serious" news and we don't want to bother to Good luck with everything, also if the doc was overly concerned I think you would know some more. Maybe even do some online research at a med forum to ease your

well alcohol dont kill brain cells thats just a myth
I was given Lipitor for cholesterol- it blew my liver out of the water. My skin and eyes were yellow and I had no energy. I stopped taking it and got better within a week or so.
You should get a test for Hep-C, as suggested. The virus replicates inside liver cells. When the cell is full it bursts, releasing the virus and killing the cell. I assume the enzyme is released at this time. However, there may be other causes for the cell deaths- I imagine your M.D. is running a lot of tests. If not, see another doctor.
tckfui, obviously you havent disclosed the "badness" with us. Were are anonomous forum users. Feel free to share. We dont know you from Adam. If you dont trust us. How can you ever trust your doc? One more time! Get tested for Hepatits A,B, and C.