Live Shows

Steely Dan started their 2022 tour here in Portland Oregon. I was there.

Not my video. They sure get them up on youtube fast. This must have been taken from the nosebleed section. They had signs when you walked in that said "No Pictures Or Video" and they were patrolling pretty heavily where I was sitting which was pretty close to the stage. I didn't even pull my phone out for a picture after I saw staff approaching anyone that they saw taking pictures.

Decent concert overall but not as good as last time I saw them. And the opening band Snarky Puppy were okay but not great. Last time I saw Steely Dan the Doobie Brothers opened for them and they were pretty damn good. I still had a good time and enjoyed the concert. I was just hoping for more. The remaining founder of the band was talking in between songs and commented about it being their first show of the tour and that they would get better. He knew they weren't on point. But they will get better after a few shows. Lots of pieces that need to fit together with their music.

My daughter's at the Electric Forest shit right now. She got tickets super cheap. $400 and the plane ticket was $75 since she's got some hookups.

They were in line for a long time last night, but finally got in and got tents set up and shit.

That sounds like a freakin blast now that I know what it is.