Live Chat


Active Member
hey i got a question . . if u grow in a apartment in 1 room and can smell it from another room is the smell bad if a newborn comes into the apartment ? If any 1 knows it would be helpfull thanks .


Mr I Can Do That For Half
chat used to always be full til it got changed to a new format after that it kind of died its not as good of a chat room anymore.I still would like to see the old version come ack as it had more options was more friendly chat and ran better.The java chat is just blah


Well-Known Member
chat used to always be full til it got changed to a new format after that it kind of died its not as good of a chat room anymore.I still would like to see the old version come ack as it had more options was more friendly chat and ran better.The java chat is just blah
and it had smileys.:mrgreen:

you should start a campaign thread.:blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol I tried to beg rollit to switch back to the old chat room but wasnt able to get it done. The old room was more fun, faster had better chat options and in general was justa million times better.I guess this chat was cheaper or something as its a downgrade as far as quality but I still luv the site even though its chat is now pointless lol


Well-Known Member
well i'm not at home right now. i'm staying with relatives this week but i promise i'll be back to make live chat interesting again.