Little white bugs, what are they and how are they harmful?


Active Member
This is my first grow, everything was going great up until an hour ago when i notice little white (or light yellow, its kinda hard to tell there so small) =, there arent alot of them but i wanted to check to see what they are and how to get rid of them. I've been vegging for about a month now, i use 2x24" plants flo's and 2 100watt cfl daylights, i have a computer fan for an air intake, and i use a 20-30-20 fert. The plant looks really healthy and i want to keep her that way. Any help would be great
thanks :)


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Well-Known Member
Put a bowl of water with some vinegar in it near your plants the bugs will check out the water and die. Worked for me.


Active Member
this is my plant, i already cloned it in case something goes wrong, and its not very tall cause i was told by a "friend" to use a backlight in my grow room. Well that stopped all my growth for the 2 weeks i had it in there, so i'm basically making up the lost 2 weeks. For anyone that wanted to try i got more growth in the last 2 days than i did the whole 2 weeks the blacklight was in my grow room.



Active Member
no i cant, i tried to get the bugs but it goes out of focus when i go in to close. There very very tiny and white if that helps.


Well-Known Member
I just picked up a bag o Ladybugs...

I'd recommend it... go to your local nursery... I got mine for $5 and it had over 100 on them..

In the instructions it says they prefer Aphids.... but if no other food is available they will eat any soft bodied insect.

Let mother natures little clean up crew do their thing ;)


Active Member
I was wondering what ppl thought of my plant?? It looks more like a bush than anything else so i was just curious. Does anyone have any helpful info or tips??


Well-Known Member
how far away are your lights from the plants? you should have them as close as you can get ithout burning them. use your hand to test temp, if yur hand can stand it so can your plant


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have my plant's about 1" away from my lights... the closer the lights... the less the plant has to stretch to put new and wonderful nodes on there ;)


Well-Known Member
you can use Ladybugs anytime... they don't eat plants just bugs.

I wouldn't recommend the spray when flowering cause you get the flower wet and run the risk of mold... plus you would have to wash it off....

$8 for the spray or $8 for the bugs ;)


Active Member
my lights are about 1.5" away from the plants, and its not hot at all (i check it regularly) I just checked my clones out(i used to same soil from teh same bag) and there doesnt seem to be any bugs in them so maybe it was from the compost i used. That'll be the last time i try that lol. Hopefully the bugs wont spread to me clones as i dont have enough space to make 2 seperate spaces. Anyways ill try to water and vinegar trick, if that dont work ill try some lady bugs bug killer.

Does anyone have a specific brand that isnt harmful to my plants????


Active Member
Cool, i'll go look for neeugm oil, cause i tried vinegar in water and it didnt get one bug. These must be smart little bugs. Anyways i'll try to ask the clerks what they think, so far most ppl think its thrips. If incestecide dont work then i'll try lady bugs


Well-Known Member
Listen, just get hotshot no pest strip and hang it up for a few days... then bag it up and store it for later , double ziplock it though. I'm using it and havent seen one thrip yet :D


Active Member
i just got back from the store and the clerk told me to try citronella dish soap in small doses, and is that doesnt work he said try the strips along with a spray. Will dish soap hurt my plant at all??? just wondering