Little old lady suing Sony, Samsung, Nokia and everyone else


Mota King
I thought this might be kinda interesting for all you guys and gals that were keeping an eye on the Rothschild, Freemason, New World Order threads
(This woman could have no relationship to the Rothschild family at all but either way I think its an interesting story :mrgreen:)

Little old lady suing Sony, Samsung, Nokia and everyone else for infringing on her laser patents - Engadget

Maybe a new dasterdly plot to put every Cell Phone company out of business???? Maybe just an old lady with too much time on her hands.... or maybe im just a stoner... YOU DECIDE!!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like she is a simple patent holder who has figured out ( with someone else's help ) that she has been getting screwed for years. I bet it's one of her kids or grandkids that is pushing this.