little help please


New Member
UPDATE: added pics. Whole right side is just main stem bent over and curled back up. Also took your advice and thinned out the fan leaves s i added a pic of the after as well chilln

Growing indoors and its a little bigger than i originally intended so its tied down a little and all stems have grown upwards, reallly been growing good but noticed the buds really slowed down after a few weeks in flowering. i went and got some nutes (2-5-3) and started putting in a tsp/gallon of water(im doing soil for now). now i had some yellowing on the lower leaves and them falling off which i figured was natural. but the tips of the new leaves near the buds are turning yellow on the tips. im figuring its nute burn but should i just go down to half tsp or is there something else i should be doing? Also, just to let you know more about the enviornment. it's under a sun blaze T5 with 6 bulbs 54 watt at 6500k. buds are doing great now that it has nutes but want to make sure i dont ruin it now that its 9 ft tall if i could stand it up in the room right now ( close to 10 actually) and its bannana kush. started from seed but not bag seed. it was purchased at a local dispensary. please let me know if you have any suggestions. i never had an account but you guys have helped me out a lot and i appreciate it all so thank you and any new help will be very much appreciated as well.

2013-07-28 11.07.00.jpg2013-07-28 11.06.43.jpg2013-07-28 13.33.16.jpg


Hey blazin any chance of a picture? Kind of have a idea for what they look like however so many factors come into play and so many times there can be more then one negative condition happening. Burnt tips usally are nute burn obviously a good flush and adjustment is needed. Make sure you dont nute them every feeding and always flush (distilled water only) every other feeding. As far as yellowing goes it can be anything from lack of nitrogen (usally the case when leaves turn yellow and die from bottom up) could be nute burn and you have a nute lock out (usally when new growth is yellowing along with rest of plants leaves). Could be the size of the pot its growing in? 9 foot plant is a hell of a big girl so there has to be a monser root system holding that big girl up hopefully she's not rootbound. Anyways dont be affraid to trim out any fan leaves blocking bud sites or take out any lower delayed undergrowth you want the most production going into swelling those LST tops. Best of luck hope it everything goes great!


New Member
Do you have ppm meter and taking the ph? You can get a ppm cheap at amazon, a nice ph meter can run about $50.


New Member
Thanks for responses. first off i cant figure out how to post pics from my phone but will as soon as comp is free. no ppm meter unfortuantely. check ph with strips though. pot is a 5 gallon bucket.also, since i started i have only done every other waterring but forgot to list that earlier. if you can help me with getting pics from my android phone to this it will help. going to try app also. and thanks again for the help


Hey Blazin glad you got the pics up....definitely looks like a minor nute burn shouldn't be a problem after a flush and your new nute regiment. She should start to fill in nicely I believe you said your only in week 2 of flowering maybe on the next one I would suggest cleaning the bottom up a little better maybe not a true lollipop but all that undergrowth is endless time trimming for very small results and usally significantly less in trich production. Also if you have a couple extra bucks since she grew a little taller then expected I would invest in some CFL s in a 2700k your currently only in the 6500k spectrum perfect for veg not the best for flowering. Your buds will suffer from lack of red/orange spectrum. Also try not to neglect side lighting with T5 or CFLs Your light penetration or PAR will not be sufficient at getting usable lumens to the lower parts of that tall lady. BLESS YOUR BUDS!