little help for my girls


Active Member
These 5 supergirl seedlings in the "Aerogrow 6 Spacesaver" are struggles. I Think the problem is that I Added nutes (Envy A+B) about 4 days into grow. They really started looking weak after that. However, they were under a 400 Watt HPS Lamp which was too close consequently heating the water up a tremendous amount. This was only for a short period of time as I changed back to the regular aerogrow lights with 2 additional 100 Watt CFLs. I Flushed and they are in regular distilled water. The leaves look pretty bad and have begun curling downward. Any suggestions on remedying this? Or is flushing about the only thing I can do? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

On a seperate note...

I am preparing to put 15 Supergirl feminized under 2 400-Watt HPS Lamps in net pots filled with pebbles and sphagnum moss. Do these elements sound like an appropriate grow? Any Suggestions? Can I used purified water instead of distilled water? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Well the combination of heat from the 400w and over nuting has really fried those little babies.
No nutes for the first 3 weeks I think is the norm.
All you can do is flush. Make sure your PH is between 5.5-6.5.
Don't hit them with so much light yet.
Hopefully they will pull through but they will take a little while to recover. Time will tell.
Purified water will be fine, make sure your PH is consistent.
You can start seedlings under a 400w but it needs to be at least 2-3ft away.