little green seeds in weed or are they???white widow


hi folks im in the 5th week of flower growing white widow, today iv removed one of the buds off one of the plants due to me seeing a slight bit of bud rot, anyway iv inspected the bud inside and found what appears to be pin head sized green seeds, altohugh im pretty sured they havent hermied, any ideas anyone? has this happened to yur selfs, is this the case with all bud and when dried we simply dont notice im please help guys


Well-Known Member
They've either hermied, or there's a male somewhere in the vicinity, because you've been pollinated, my friend, without a doubt. I just lost two back-to-back harvests(12 and 20 plants) from a hermie that I never did manage to find. I ended up shutting down for a couple months, bought new seeds, disinfected the growrooms, and started over. Trust me, you have pollen coming from somewhere.

What sucks, is that you're plants are stalled, and will basically stay that way. They're forming seeds now, and won't really fill out anymore,(airy) or produce many more trichs. Time to invest in some bubble bags, me :wink:


thanks for the reply guys, i have been and purchased 4 x bottles of dutch master reverse and 1 x saturator apparently this will stop any seed production, although there seems to be mixed views about this product when i googled the it but iv tried it anyway. its a foliar spray. i drenched the plants last week and gonna do it again end of this week and see if it helps in anyway, buds still fillin out nicely and there really startin to smell now

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this has actually happened to me several times. the first time i thought they weren't seeds because i had some buds with fully mature seeds so the timeline made no sense. but they were definately little micro seeds. i noticed them at harvest so they obviously were pollinated late and didn't really mess with the product but yeah you definately have seeds. they make the damn herb snap and crackle when you smoke but without that gross burned seed smell. i bet a lot of people who get that crackling think they should have flushed better when really there are baby seeds everywhere.