Little bugs

The thrips would not be a big issue for me at this stage of growth. The mites are what may hurt you. I would check the underside of the leaves for webbing. If the webbing is well established, it will be hard to penetrate it with spray on the underside of the leaves. Thrips tend to feed on the leaf surface. Mites work on the underside of the leaves............... Those mottled specs you see on the leaf surface may be from mites under the leaves.........

Thrips will go down with a mite treatment. If the mites have not webbed up very bad you can still hit them with NEEM or insecticidal soap and stay away from the flowers as much as you can. I assume it is the only plant you have with issues. If possible, isolate it from the others for a couple days to treat.

If they have webbed up- I would use a NEEM product since it is systemic and can still be used to a few days from harvest. Neem wont kill many adult mites but it stops them from feeding and laying eggs. It smells but has been my best material for established spider mites.

Before spraying a product- I would get an idea of how far they have spread if you have other plants. Spraying can repel some to other plants. And I.D. the culprits for certain to see how much and how far the numbers have spread. Eggs may be involved and I believe NEEM will be better at killing them. They can hatch up to a month from the time they are layed and show as pin head little clear dots on the leaf underside................ you can pinch infested leaves that show webbing if it is not too bad.

Best regards- we all have to respond to the little turds sooner or later in the grand scheme of things.

If it is only the one plant - you always have the option to toss it...................... But I would get a magnifying glass and get a closer look to be sure of how established they really are. Once you deal with them the first time- you will be much better adept to find them early and to deal with them if and when they appear again.
I took a really closer look and all I see is a few tiny yellow specs that i removed and the few webs. I dont see many more so hopefully I got lucky.
Also they appeared pretty suddenly. The other plant that I had that wasnt a clone - turned out to be male - had no problems. So I am pretty sure they just came with the clone. Question can they get into the buds itself ? and what would happened if smoked. I have a bunch of seeds so I am debating on just throwing away and starting over.
I took a really closer look and all I see is a few tiny yellow specs that i removed and the few webs. I dont see many more so hopefully I got lucky.
Also they appeared pretty suddenly. The other plant that I had that wasnt a clone - turned out to be male - had no problems. So I am pretty sure they just came with the clone. Question can they get into the buds itself ? and what would happened if smoked. I have a bunch of seeds so I am debating on just throwing away and starting over.

If you see no more signs of the mites (i.e. new webbing, black defacation spots, eggs or the mites themselves), then they may have come and gone. They will concentrate along the main veins of the undersides of the leaves and tend to leave the buds alone in my experience. They also tend to work from the base of the plant up...............

So I would not treat for what I could not see now. In terms of the mites themselves and not signs they left behind in days past........................ It seems that you are on top of them.

On the other hand, if they do not disappear soon then I would not take a chance in them laying a bunch of eggs and getting established throughout your grow.........

Of course it comes down to a judgement call on your part, but I would not worry about what I could not see and continue to monitor for them.

If they get a bunch of eggs down under their webbing then they can be a real pain to eliminate.
