little brown spots all over leaves


My plant has developed little brown spots all over the leaves since this morning.

It is in the second week of flowering and is growing outside in southern africa.

The tips of the leaves are starting to curl upwards since these photos were taken this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
i think you might have an Mg deficiency, have you been giving your plant any micronutrients?


New Member
calcium deff, or you sprayed something on them that burn them, water can do it if temps are high

Another Realm

Active Member
WOW if he listens to us he's got nute burn, a phosphorus deficiency, a calcium deficiency, and a magnesium deficiency.
Sweet. I'll just say its a zinc deficiency to add another confusing variable.


Thank you all for your input. I appreciate it's hard to diagnose things like this using just photos.

The fertiliser used was 16-46-9 if it helps.

What other information can I give to help you?

It hasn't been sprayed with anything recently.

Watering is applied directly to the soil, so no splashing on leaves.

This plant is growing outside in southern africa, so it does get rained on, but the raindrops are big.

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
It is extremely hard to diagnose... From looking at the pics, I would say check around the plant and underneath the leaves for bugs... (thats my opinion!) ;)