little black spots on leaf tips?


Well-Known Member
Also the two leaves that first sprouted are yellowing. From what I understand these are supposed to die off. Havent given any nutes yet, just distilled water. Is it time for nutes? Sorry no pic SO took the camera to work. some pics from two days ago in my sig. Thinking about transplanting. should I trasplant and then give it nutes or wait until it gets adjusted to its new home? thanks


Active Member
We need to know: how old they are, what medium are they in, lights, temps, watering schedule, etc...

From what I can gather it sounds like a PH problem. Check the PH on that water. A lot of the store bought water can vary in PH from the 3's to the 8's. Just because it's good for people to drink doesn't mean it's good for marijuana. I wouldn't give it nutes for the first 2-3 weeks, they should get what they need from the soil for the first few.

It could also be Thripes. Check the underside of the leaves for little black dots too and any insects. They are very small and their droppings look like little black dots.

Here's a link for bottled water PH's:

Good luck man, and get some pics up.


Well-Known Member
they are three weeks old have been in happy frog whole time, been watering approx every five days, last day was the 29th, under cfl's 2 40 watt t12s and 4 2700 and 6500k 23 watt. temps been 74-79 throughout rh 22-34%.
Went ahead and transplanted,roots were at the bottom, and watered with1/4 strength nutes. hopefully she looks better tomorrow


Active Member
6 is a little low, shoot for 6.8-7. They key is to check your run off PH. For soil it should be around 6.4, just keep in mind that nutes usually drop the PH. I'm sure she'll be fine, it sounds like a pretty good set-up. Good luck brother.