Little Black Beetle? cant find a post about it...


Active Member
got a little bucket hydro setup using hydroton. flushed today and out comes a little black beetle. looks exactly like a "click" beetle i sh*t you not. (the little black ones that you will see get stranded on thier back and then "click!" they shoot up in the air and back right side up. ive looks through all the 5 pages of buhg problems and it looks like no one has experienced this before. anyone thats been around want to take a crack at it? any guesses as to what it is, how hazardous it could be, ...what it is... =) its fast and smart 2. the first flush he came up to the surface. i tried to scoop him up and he QUICKLY dashed back under my medium. flushed again he came up and as soon as he saw my big spoon comming he was gone in a flash. third flush and he just poked his head and antenneas out as if to mess with me ... =) anyone?


Well-Known Member
I thought it was just me... I have tons of these I keep a clean environment and never had beetles. I go hydro and it's beetle city. But they never hurt my crop.

Good Luck and Good Growing.


Active Member
=) well that doesnt sound to bad. yea i thought it weird that no one else had a post about them, weird little things. guess there will be more... well thanks guy. +rep appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
=) well that doesnt sound to bad. yea i thought it weird that no one else had a post about them, weird little things. guess there will be more... well thanks guy. +rep appreciate it.
No problem... It was my pleasure... Do me a favor - grab one and kill it. The reason for this is you that you can observe the exoskeleton and make sure not to find yellow spots. The black ones are cool but the yellow spotted may not. Although I feel these now come with the hydroton as larvae. Good thing I always wash the rocks first.. Take care bud...


Active Member
ok well things worked out well then. earlier i came home after a 2 day weekend and apparantly my air conditioning was completly out all weekend unbeknown to me. my poor plant was in 109 degree heat when i found it and all the leaves were really flimsy/droopy, with some of the bottom ones dead altogether. i also left the pump off because i had it on 24-7 for the past month and feared overwatering. well i guess the heat and the dry conditions forced him out because he had crawled over the bucket and into a big tub i had. killed him and he is pure shiny black, no spots. looks like a typical black beetle. i agree the larvea could most possibly be in the hydroton, because i have never seen this bug before around . i washed it with water until all the color/sediment came off but should i have used soap? also any idea if its ok to clip off leaves that are very damaged, and are blocking the light from the inner, more healthy branches/leaves? and if so where to clip them, at the end of the leaf or the beginning of the stem? ok thats all i got to report =) thx again


Well-Known Member
Only certain bugs are a problem...some are good...they eat the mites (if any ) you may end up owing them for their help..


Well-Known Member
lol taht is funny,haha the bug popping upto say hi haha,i got these weirdbee looking bugs in my soil comign up whenever the lights go on usually,like they started small and i saw a big one today,if i go in there and see bees swarming im going to shit myself haa,but yea try to kill the beetle to check the color