Little bit of mold with a little plant! Help


Active Member
Ok so my Skunk1 plant that has been fighting for its life for about a month since the stem broke completely, has been doing great since I got some Superthrive! However my problem now is that there is that "spider" mold or whatever where it looks like a web over the soil. you have to really look for it to see it. This same plant had mold before and I did not change the soil because I was told peroxide mixed with some water will kill the mold, but obviously that didn't work. Although my plant is a month old it is quite short and taking a bit longer to grow (because of broken stem). So my question is, do I try the peroxide again and if so, what ratio to water do I use? Or is it big enough to just plant in new soil? I am worried about transplanting because I don't know how the roots look so I don't want to kill it. But I have also been fighting to keep this plant alive and I'm not ready to give up on it just cause of some mold. So please help me save my baby!:-( Sorry the pics were taken with my phone so they're not that great. The first pic is from 3/7/11 and the other 2 are from today so it's definitely still growing!



Active Member
I live in Arizona, the temp is up, trust me lol. And my boyfriend and I have already slowed down with the watering. But what do I do about the existing mold? Peroxide? Or transplant?
It's small though so I don't want to transplant if it's too small to survive

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
It is likely to be mycelia from fungal spores. Probably harmless and should go away after restricting your watering for several days. Put a fan on it to expedite surface drying. This will also help stengthen the plants' main stem. Sometimes less is more.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
One other thing, I noticed that the container your little plant is in is pretty big for it's relative size. Initially, seedlings should be in small, 8-16 oz. containers. Re-pot to a larger size after they have become partially root-bound. This helps the soil dry out and drain faster as the roots fill up the container and can help prevent root-rot and other diseases. Addition of Perlite to soilless mixes also greatly improves drainage (although I see some get too heavy handed with that as well.) I would also ditch the "superthrive". The fact that it has begun to slowly recover is purely coincidental. I won't get into to a big debate on this but I've done a fair amount of lab-research on this product and it is basically "snakeoil" and is not needed.


Well-Known Member
its ok to transplant just be very gentle since its so young an fragile. what type of soil did you use ?? love the avatar i voted yes on 203:leaf::-P

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Yes, you can transplant to a smaller container. Use a spoon and carefully dig about 3-4" around the plant and lift out the root mass with the spoon. Be sure to dig down at least 4" as well to preserve as much of the roots as possible. Do not pull on the plants main stem. Put the plant in your new soil media/pot at the same level (avoid planting deeper) and water lightly to help eliminate any air pockets. There should be minimal if any stress with this method.


Active Member
The soil I used is the Jiffy 100% Organic seed starting soiless mix with partial coco fiber. When I transplant do I start off with just water or can I use the Superthrive and Fox Farm?


Active Member
And thank you! I'm hoping to get a medical card. I have ADD and OCD and i read that those can be prescribed with cannabis. If Cali's prop 19 would have passed I would have packed my bags and moved lol jk. Eff Cali, except the Raiders!


Active Member
Don't transplant to smaller container! Just learn to water now and you'll be that much better.


Well-Known Member
fox farm big bloom is pretty much always safe to add imo... (yea the raiders really do suck lol) . Let me know if u or ur boy are ever interested AZ clones i know a company setting up here getting ready for biz
lol i have ADD and OCD... weed is about the worst thing for both. doesn't stop me, does help me relax... but ADD often means forgetting everything/unable to focus, and OCD means you have tics and obsessions. Introducing weed will only make memory/concentration issues worse, and any side effects like paranoia is only going to exacerbate that. Plus the ADD/ADHD + OCD combo often means depression, and while weed may help it for a few, for the majority it wont

But.... i digress... if you enjoy it smoke it.

I am also having a mold problem. Noted some 'spider web' mold on the tops of my grow cubes. I have a ton of fans going now and am water every other day for now. I ran the a/c earlier and have the room vented at the moment(i live in socal and humidity during the day has been low the last few days, but the room doesn't get below 50%... and its gonna rain this weekend which isn't going to help).

Should I try a peroxide spray as well? I haven't noted any on the plants themselves, but its tougher to spot. What about stuff like azamax, etc?


Active Member
Yeah, I don't live in Cali though and honestly I don't really think it's worth it to move there just to smoke legally lol although the heat here in Arizona is f*cking retarded. But I haven't been diagnosed with that stuff, just pretty sure I have them (not bad), but I usually have a hard time eating if I haven't smoked also, I've pretty much gone days without eating when I didn't have bud. That kinda worries me a little lol.


Active Member
NICE. Eff this weather right?! Lol. And thanks, we've been keeping a close eye on it. We started a seed in the DWC and I couldn't help but dig a little in there to see if anything happened yet and I did see a little piece of a tail so I hurried and buried it real quick lol. But I'm so excited!!!