Little bastards flying around!!


Well-Known Member
I know there is a bug plant problem forum but I dont see too many posters in there or threads with more than like 2 replys so im posting here in the general area.

Yea, so i know people get plant bug problems, but for having my plant in my closet for 2 months and not seeing any I thought I was safe on the bugs. But WRONG!

I just started getting these little things flying around. Not sure what they are..Im thinking maybe gnats or something. They are very tiny and kinda remind me of a flea. The other day I noticed maybe one or two flying around my plant but didnt think much of. When I checked on the plant this morning I saw maybe half a dozen flying around the plant and tried to get most of them with my hands. Thought I got them for the most part... When i opened the closet later I saw more flying around the herbs! They definately want the bud because When I took the plant out the closet they followed it. Now Im seeing one or two every now and then flying across my computer screen and they're kinda pissing me off. Plus it just feels kinda unsanitary.

What should I do? Spray a pesticide? Get some kind of sticky traps in the closet? or...

maybe I should of left the daddy longlegs spider I found in a web on the plant last week... im sure he'd be catching them

desert fox

Well-Known Member
sounds like fungus nats. Increase your circulation and lower your humidity and kill off anything you see. There is somethings you can do to prevent this from happening. Also a light filter on your intake will be an extra step in prevention. Once you have a heavy infestation occurs you need to use some stuff like nem oil on the leaves. There is other methods out there too.


Well-Known Member
I use those sticky fly traps that you can hang,they work great,you know I just try to keep the door closed ALL THE TIME and I haven't been beefing with those little fuckers as much.DO NOT use pesticides plants fucking hate it


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys. I just went to the local 24hr. super k and found no sticky traps. But while I was there in the garden section I noticed the same little bugs flying around the soil. A couple weeks ago or soo I transplanted, thought I had enough miracle grow soil to fill in the new pot but I didnt. Was low on cash and bought some cheap soil right away. Was like $1.69 for a pretty big bag Called hyponex or something like that. That had to of been where they came from because The closet door is almost always closed And I never noticed the pests before. So super k just had sprays (didnt want to use them), went to CVS they had no sticky traps, Then went to albertsons and found a roll of 4 traps for a dollar! haha So i'll probably hang them tomorrow because its the dark period right sure these will work fine, just have to watch for them, cause Im sure theres some eggs layed somewhere, and my space is really tight so those fuckers will get trapped! Thanks for the replys. I'll update and tell ya how they worked.


Well-Known Member
The adult, flying fungus gnats are not too much trouble, and sticky traps will help eradicate them.

However, the larvae (baby gnats) are more of a problem, as they live in the soil, and in large enough numbers will damage your plant's roots. They colonize soil that is moist, and having them in large numbers is usually a sign of overwatering. If you allow the soil to dry out well between waterings, they will become less of a problem, and may die off without any further action from you.

Check the top couple of inches of soil, and see if you can see the larvae crawling about. If they exist in large numbers, you can use a layer of sharp sand (aka builders sand) to deny them access to the soil surface.

So, to recap, use sticky traps, in conjunction with a layer of sharp sand on the top of your soil, and you will have them under control in no time. Also, use a proper wet/dry schedule when watering.


Active Member
The adult, flying fungus gnats are not too much trouble, and sticky traps will help eradicate them.

However, the larvae (baby gnats) are more of a problem, as they live in the soil, and in large enough numbers will damage your plant's roots. They colonize soil that is moist, and having them in large numbers is usually a sign of overwatering. If you allow the soil to dry out well between waterings, they will become less of a problem, and may die off without any further action from you.

Check the top couple of inches of soil, and see if you can see the larvae crawling about. If they exist in large numbers, you can use a layer of sharp sand (aka builders sand) to deny them access to the soil surface.

So, to recap, use sticky traps, in conjunction with a layer of sharp sand on the top of your soil, and you will have them under control in no time. Also, use a proper wet/dry schedule when watering.

Wow this is great i just saw a few right now around mine and dint think much since they were so small! glad i saw this:hug:


Well-Known Member
Get some fly sticky papper and hag it i the room the good news is these are not a realy bad problem like spidermites hang the sticky iky and nail the f@ckers.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Sand works pretty well for me...I just use desert cover sand from lowes. There are still a couple flying around now and then, but it seriously limits their ability to lay larva in the soil. It kinda gets screwed up when watering, so you'll probably have to add more sand as you go.

If you feel so inclined you can check out my journal in my sig...I've had lengthy discussions about this with a few people more experienced on the issue than myself. Start on page 29, about halfway down, and you should find some interesting solutions to your problem :leaf:

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Oh also when you water, in the morning and not at night. If you water at night your soil stays pretty moist on top which makes it a great breeding ground for these bastards. Your lighting and circulation will dry up the soil faster.


Well-Known Member
I water during the day, never at night. I let the soil dry and it does so pretty fast. Looked around in the soil and couldnt spot any larvae. Hung up too sticky traps 20 minutes ago and have already caught about 4!


Well-Known Member
Sticky traps worked great. Havent watered in about 3 or 4 days, drying to dry up the soil a little. Probably go one more day without. Comes to be they are fungus gnats for sure. Looked at one under a microscope. haha


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys. I just went to the local 24hr. super k and found no sticky traps. But while I was there in the garden section I noticed the same little bugs flying around the soil. A couple weeks ago or soo I transplanted, thought I had enough miracle grow soil to fill in the new pot but I didnt. Was low on cash and bought some cheap soil right away. Was like $1.69 for a pretty big bag Called hyponex or something like that. That had to of been where they came from because The closet door is almost always closed And I never noticed the pests before. So super k just had sprays (didnt want to use them), went to CVS they had no sticky traps, Then went to albertsons and found a roll of 4 traps for a dollar! haha So i'll probably hang them tomorrow because its the dark period right sure these will work fine, just have to watch for them, cause Im sure theres some eggs layed somewhere, and my space is really tight so those fuckers will get trapped! Thanks for the replys. I'll update and tell ya how they worked.
Ok 1st of all you are overwatering your plants I am guessing because that is how they develop and survive so stop watering so much. 2nd you will need some neem oil and sticky traps the stupid bugs love them . Next if you can go to and order some diatemaceous earth to kill off all the eggs and whatever other bugs are present its like 10 bucks good investment and good to prevent bug problems in the future. hope this helps:joint:
I was having some trouble with fungus gnats until I sprayed the stems and soil with hot water, a little dish soap and neem oil.


Well-Known Member
Ok 1st of all you are overwatering your plants I am guessing because that is how they develop and survive so stop watering so much. 2nd you will need some neem oil and sticky traps the stupid bugs love them . Next if you can go to and order some diatemaceous earth to kill off all the eggs and whatever other bugs are present its like 10 bucks good investment and good to prevent bug problems in the future. hope this helps:joint:
I don't overwater. I got sticky traps and they worked fine. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Man these fuckers are annoying! The sticky traps are loaded with gnats and they're all over the soil! They reproduced like crazy within a couple days. They are really starting to get under my skin. I just covered the soil with some sand. Hopefully this takes care of those bastards!!!


Well-Known Member
I find putting a tray of cheap maple syrup on the ground amongst my plants works wonders.. It makes the bugs sticky and unable to get out.