Literature anyone recommend any?


Well-Known Member
Hi all can anyone recommend any organic literature I’m really interested in learning about beneficial bacteria , soil structure and organics in general?
I’m not the most intelligent of people so ideally be easy to understand and digest !
this. practically the bible of organics

This is the text for an organic master gardener course from
Its an easy read and covers everything. The online course is well worth the time and effort aswell.

This is the text for an organic master gardener course from
Its an easy read and covers everything. The online course is well worth the time and effort aswell.
Thanks for the share CaptainT!

I took a look around and have to share my opinion with the community.
This is not a dis on your post.

I felt this site has one objective. To sell.

Very little info shared.

The top 10 books they recommend do not include Teaming with Microbes mentioned by madvillian420 a favorite among organic growers. Never heard of the books mentioned in their top 10 favorites. Could be wrong but I feel they are likely only supporting book sellers that support them.

My 2c. not a dis. :peace:

Edit: just noticed Dumbguyneedshelp mentioned teaming with microbest 1st.
Just a cheaper option than amazon, buy the book wherever you like. Your 100% wrong though and id suggest everyone check things out for themselves. I suggest expanding your horizons a little. Never heard of “the one straw revolution”...really?
probably more info on that website than every garden centre in north america combined
The One Straw Revolution - Masanobu Fukuoka
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Just a cheaper option than amazon, buy the book wherever you like. Your 100% wrong though and id suggest everyone check things out for themselves. I suggest expanding your horizons a little. Never heard of “the one straw revolution”...really?
probably more info on that website than every garden centre in north america combined
The One Straw Revolution - Masanobu Fukuoka
You are correct about the others judging for themselves if they are interested and want to spend their $ at that site.
I only gave it 5 seconds and could be wrong.
Sometimes my 2c is worth less than 2c. :(
Teaming with microbes: (Jeff lowenfels)

True Living Organics: (The Rev)

Marijuana Growers Handbook: (Ed Rosenthal)

The cannabis Grow Bible 3rd Edition: (Greg Green)

Marijuana Horticulture: (Jorge Cervantes)

Have fun reading :blsmoke:!!