Literally wardrobe growing


Active Member
That white moscow looks like she has more than two weeks left bro. Wait for the weed to visibly look ready to load into a bowl and smoke. Trust me, being patient pays in the end.

Ahhh okay thanks. It says I think its 10 week harvest from seed which would make it about 2 weeks out. However, I guess because it's on a 12/12 schedule now to accommodate for the Amnesia Lemon it is going to grow more slowly.

Good news is that my Amnesia Lemon has now quite a few bud sites developing - yay!


Well-Known Member
Don't follow breeder specs, wait for it to be done you have a different environment than the breeder. Those hairs are still SUPER WHITE. Your hairs should be brown for a good week-week and a half before chop. Don't stop the nutrients she still has more time to grow.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice!

No doubt I'll get some more pictures up when the AL has more developed buds and when the WM has filled out some more.

I'm happy with the way how things are turning out - I didn't think for the life of me I'd be able to grow successful MJ! And it's turning out quite well.

Considering I'm not a smoker (well don't smoke ciggies and rarely get a chance to smoke MJ) I am really looking forward to enjoying the produce with my friends. :)


Well-Known Member
Well thats a good thing. I smoke a bit too much at times lol (naw can't really smoke too much hahahaha) But I DO LOVE SMOKING MY OWN HOMEGROWN. Its such a nice feeling to know that the one hitter quiter that I'm smoking on was grown by non other than me hahahahahahahahahaha



Active Member
Okay it's been a lil while since I updated with some pics (well for me anyway!). Here are some pics of how they are coming along...

White Moscow (auto-flowering)

Main cola

Buds from lower stems

Still some more smaller buds - do ALL buds develop and flower? Just these seem to be flowering late?

Amnesia Lemon



Comments please guys - let me know how you think they're getting on and how far off you think they are - cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
Looking good how far along is that WM again? The AL is looking good as well. And those are flowers those are called calyxes (sp) that is what buds are just a bunch of those piled into a bud.



Active Member
The WM must be 9 or so weeks old at least at the mo'.

Great to hear they are doing well. It's good to get reassurance. I was worried about my AL going hermi as the grow area does have a lot of light leaks.


i have read your whole article and think you have done great after seeing you achieve this i think i am going to attempt the exact same in my wardrobe haha keep us posted lid :D


If your lacking co2 u can always get a 1 gallon jug fill it half with water add 2 cups of sugar 1 tsp of bakin soda and 1 tbsp of molasses and 2 packets of active yeast and it will make some co2 for your girls to feed on =)


Active Member
If your lacking co2 u can always get a 1 gallon jug fill it half with water add 2 cups of sugar 1 tsp of bakin soda and 1 tbsp of molasses and 2 packets of active yeast and it will make some co2 for your girls to feed on =)
Hey - do you think I'm lacking co2? Cheers.


Active Member
As matey said, make-shift co2 producer with baking soda should work.

However, I think my 'drobe gets a lot of ventilation as I open as much as possible. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow 9 weeks from seed? She is looking good let her go 10- 10 1/2 start flushing and stop using nutrients now. The WM would go hermie also if there are light leaks present which aren't a good thing. Get that closet light proof now !!!!!



Well-Known Member
That doesn't matter light leaks of sort making the plant go back to day time stage is stress it don't matter if its autoflowering or not keep that in mind. Get your grow area light proof you don't want seeds in your harvest you've worked so hard to obtain....


Dark union

First I would like to say thanks for such great story which is
still far from an end ;)
unfortunately you haven't receive enought feedback as you should.
I'm going to start my own "story" next week :D so thanks you
for boost in confidence :)


Well-Known Member
"Hairs" don't mean shit man its the trichs that tell the story. Get you a scope from radioshack or something and look at the trichombs (sp) Thats how you know she is ready. Also when you think she is ready give her another week I'm telling you, you won't be sorry you did.......



Active Member
Thanks – well I’ve read that auto-flowering plants don’t even need darkness and can flower fully under 24 hours of light. At the moment they are on 12/12 schedule as I’m growing it in the same area as my Amnesia Lemon (sativa/indica cross). However, she smells pretty damn strong.

I can see the trichs on the bud leaves with my naked eye and maybe a few are amber, but no where near enough from what I’ve read. I’m going to not give her any more nutes though and just give her water and I’ll harvest as you say, giving it a week after I think she is ready to harvest.

My Amnesia Lemon is growing a lot every single day. It will be good once the WM has been harvested as she will have more room in there by herself.

I’ll let you know how I get on over the next couple of weeks and be sure to provide pictures.

I know I’m a newbie and it’s my first time but if anyone has any questions, let me know and I’m happy to answer.


Well-Known Member
perfect man.... what a great story, and your photos and updates made for a good read through .... thanks for giving me the coordinates. I'm glad to sit in and watch this finish up. Walk on!!~~~~~