Listen to this man


Well-Known Member
Ummm so you put up a commercial that Glenn Beck endorsed, then just say "Well its everyone who thinks gold is good to have"? LOL. Peter Schiff doesn't sell any gold, but as a stupid person you wouldn't know that.

All those people who bought Gold at $300 sure are stupid aren't they?
Nope, but those who bought gold at huge markups under Goldine have likely not seen a profit yet.


Well-Known Member
Nope, but those who bought gold at huge markups under Goldine have likely not seen a profit yet.
1 last time gold was at 300 was 1980
2 the people buying gold for Peter "the Fraud" SHiff aint making a profit either

and he is pulling the same scam as goldline


Well-Known Member
I have a problem buying gold as a hedge against government "failure".

I figure half pints of rum and cigarettes would be worth far more and are far easier to get at Costco than gold, and the price will never go down and go up just a whole lot if something nasty comes about. Beyond that, I can't drink gold.


Well-Known Member
lol canndo, I never thought of that but it's actually brilliant.

I would listen to economical advice from Schiff all day every day before I'd take advice from Krugman.


Well-Known Member
I have a problem buying gold as a hedge against government "failure".

I figure half pints of rum and cigarettes would be worth far more and are far easier to get at Costco than gold, and the price will never go down and go up just a whole lot if something nasty comes about. Beyond that, I can't drink gold.
a really good freind of mine just died
he owned a major pawn shop here
He thought gold and diamonds were only a way of getting more dollars into his pocket
he told me they have no actual value but the value people put on them
especially with Diamonds

The gold bubble is going to burst
Just like the silver bubble did when the Hunt brothers tried cornering the market

And their are going to be a lot of crying stupid motherfuckers stuck with some yellow metal they took a big loss on

Of course they will blame the liberals for that as well


Well-Known Member
I started buying silver in fairly large quantities in mid 2005, when I retired, based almost solely on Schiff's advice. I believe the spot price was somewhere in the $7-$8 range, per ounce. The price today, unless it has already changed, is around $26 per ounce. How exactly is quadrupling your investment in 7 years, during an economic downturn, bad advice? Gold has done about the same thing, tripling in value.

Dukey, for every video you post, I can show you 10 from 2005-2008 where he predicts almost everything that happened, while being mocked by chumps that lost and lost big. I don't invest with his company, but I do take his advice. So far, his advice has paid off my home, cars and financed both my kid's college tuition. His precious metal advice was insanely accurate and lucrative for anyone who listened. You do realize you can buy silver and gold locally at very close to spot price, you don't have to go with a service like Goldline.

Everything coming out of his mouth is common sense, for those who possess it.


Well-Known Member
I started buying silver in fairly large quantities in mid 2005, when I retired, based almost solely on Schiff's advice. I believe the spot price was somewhere in the $7-$8 range, per ounce. The price today, unless it has already changed, is around $26 per ounce. How exactly is quadrupling your investment in 7 years, during an economic downturn, bad advice? Gold has done about the same thing, tripling in value.

Dukey, for every video you post, I can show you 10 from 2005-2008 where he predicts almost everything that happened, while being mocked by chumps that lost and lost big. I don't invest with his company, but I do take his advice. So far, his advice has paid off my home, cars and financed both my kid's college tuition. His precious metal advice was insanely accurate and lucrative for anyone who listened. You do realize you can buy silver and gold locally at very close to spot price, you don't have to go with a service like Goldline.

Everything coming out of his mouth is common sense, for those who possess it.

His track record says otherwise


Well-Known Member
1 last time gold was at 300 was 1980
2 the people buying gold for Peter "the Fraud" SHiff aint making a profit either

and he is pulling the same scam as goldline
Prove it. Put up or shut up time little man. Gold was at 400 in the mid 90's. Great investment for those who saw the dot com and housing bubbles. btw One of those men was Schiff.
Keep posting. I get a kick out of consistent ignorance.


Well-Known Member

fools gold isn't pyrite
its all you idiots buying into the gold bubble
i am sure Peter Shiff is riding his pump and dump scheme all the way to the bank