The Lemon Thai is actually pretty nice. Almost no body-buzz at all, but it will definitely get your mind going and will absolutely destroy your time perception, lol. Definitely a sativa-dominant hybrid. Not the best I've ever had, but damned sure not the worst either. I'll probably grow another one once this is gone because I like the fact I can get stuff done while smoking it.
The Kurple Fantasy. Wow. Not quite sure where to start. This stuff is so incredibly easy to grow and is extremely drought and nutrient-tolerant. It also happens to be hands-down the best smoke I have ever grown and the best I've had since leaving the West coast. Every one of my smoking buddies who has tried it was blown away and want to buy some, lol. Now, I have both grow rooms full of nothing but Kurple Fantasy plants (8 per room)! I have found 2 very distinct phenotypes so far. One grows some of the prettiest bright lime-green buds you've ever seen, without a trace of purple (But LOTS of red hairs and trichomes!). And the buds get BIG and dense. The other pheno grows a bit thinner, but produces some rock-hard DARK purple buds that are completely covered and saturated with trichomes. The taste seems to be similar between the two although the dark purple buds do seem to have a bit fruitier flavor. Not citrus, but more of a blueberry/blackberry flavor. Smoking one-hit bowls from a freshly-cleaned glass bong is absolutely incredible with this stuff!!! If you get a chance, work a few of these into an upcoming grow --- You'll be very glad you did!