List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

mmmm icecream and sex....

that's another thing, Why would a god give us such an irresistable sex urge if we aren't supposed to use it (according to christianity)?
i think this attack against sexuality was born of repressed homosexuals within the catholic church.

(though it also had bit to do with nutsos in the victorian era..)

but yes, its immensely stupid.

and i would disregard it as a hilarious curio of the soon to be past.
though, i wonder, if the period when we started to feel ashamed of our bodies and hide them, was the true fall of man.

(and there is an interesting bit in the bible, where man and woman hide from god, ashamed of their nakedness.(having bitten of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil)

but then again, where does the shame for our naked bodies come from?

its totally irrational.

(it can be practical though, from the viewpoint of rape and hiding stuff from uncontrollably horny people perhaps..)

but, still i wonder.

what do you think heph (or anyone)

where does shame for our bodies come from?

why is my peepee shameful? :D (im actually quite comfortable being naked around people that dont mind, its a bit of a bother if they dont)
oh shit, I was thinking about this earlier today. The only possibilities I came up with for wearing clothes were style and weather conditions. If it's cold we need warmth since we don't have fur or thick skin. And I don't really think the style one really makes sense.
oh shit, I was thinking about this earlier today. The only possibilities I came up with for wearing clothes were style and weather conditions. If it's cold we need warmth since we don't have fur or thick skin. And I don't really think the style one really makes sense.


being ashamed of our bodies and sex, makes no sense. (how can be we ashamed of the very process that creates us and continues us? (plus its really pleasureable :))
1. got me to realize reality.
2. gave me a wondeful hone to stay in
3. gave me the tools to help organize my place
4. stalled peoples coming over/ help so i could see a bigger better picture
5. gave me ways to save on my electric bill will still working on plant projects
6. supplied me to the point where im covered for a good planting
7. gave me the tongue to speak to people well.
Also if you are an Atheist and you are debating a Christian, just tell them this passage.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48
1. got me to realize reality.
2. gave me a wondeful hone to stay in
3. gave me the tools to help organize my place
4. stalled peoples coming over/ help so i could see a bigger better picture
5. gave me ways to save on my electric bill will still working on plant projects
6. supplied me to the point where im covered for a good planting
7. gave me the tongue to speak to people well.

i dont have any problem with that.

i just dont like talk of hell and fearing god. (love what you want)

its of course entirely selfish, (happy people make me happy and the idea of hell and a punisher god never made anyone happy)
Also if you are an Atheist and you are debating a Christian, just tell them this passage.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48

thats both utterly stupid and utterly right.

the right part?

love works better against your enemies than hate (making friends out of them is much better than having to dig a grave for them)

the utterly stupid part?

why should anyone reward you for doing good?

ill tell you what the reward is in loving those who love you (the bliss of giving love and receiving it)


on the clever part, the reward in loving your enemies, is maybe gaining a friend.

but the utmost best bonus, is that you dont become a hatefilled creature yourself (nothing makes people uglier faster than hate)
1. got me to realize reality.
2. gave me a wondeful hone to stay in
3. gave me the tools to help organize my place
4. stalled peoples coming over/ help so i could see a bigger better picture
5. gave me ways to save on my electric bill will still working on plant projects
6. supplied me to the point where im covered for a good planting
7. gave me the tongue to speak to people well.
Dude I don't think you're giving yourself enough achieved those things, God didn't do it for you. Free will makes intervention by a deity impossible.
Dude I don't think you're giving yourself enough achieved those things, God didn't do it for you. Free will makes intervention by a deity impossible.

so the explanation is needed. heres goes ill go on a ride and happen to be thinking of something bad and start of to get myself out of the mood. when im in a totla bad mood i look around and find nothing to stick in my bag but when i am happy and full of hope which god gave me i recieve an abundance ive done this many times and every happy moment god gives me even more.
so the explanation is needed. heres goes ill go on a ride and happen to be thinking of something bad and start of to get myself out of the mood. when im in a totla bad mood i look around and find nothing to stick in my bag but when i am happy and full of hope which god gave me i recieve an abundance ive done this many times and every happy moment god gives me even more.

This is the point that always get;'s me. I give myself hope and receive an abundance. How useless must someone's life be to require God to give the hope hope needed? So either that hope is not coming from god, but just yourself, and you're just making fase attributes, or well, i'm a better human being :lol:
i remember when i had some mad love issues, man this woman was married and she wanted me so bad... i ended up falling for her and she ended up getting divorced and ended up dumping me for a friend, then i found out i was in love with a whore... too bad for me

I have experienced love dude, ;). I've had love that literally drove me crazy.... are you familiar with this song?...
It's an overpowering emotion that feels like it means so much more, yet science says it's literally in our heads.

I meant deity....Do you believe in a deity?
i remember when i had some mad love issues, man this woman was married and she wanted me so bad... i ended up falling for her and she ended up getting divorced and ended up dumping me for a friend, then i found out i was in love with a whore... too bad for me

Shit, Oly. I've been there more than once. Fucking sucks...
the funny part of it was that she would waltz around saying that she would never be a whore or ever cheat on her husband... she taught aerobics and i was a personal trainer at a local gym... she was extremely hot and she could fuck like crazy,, but i guess it was just some mad crazy LUST i was experiencing...

it was just a really stressful, but at the same time sexually pleasing time in my life... oh well... live and learn

Shit, Oly. I've been there more than once. Fucking sucks...
the funny part of it was that she would waltz around saying that she would never be a whore or ever cheat on her husband... she taught aerobics and i was a personal trainer at a local gym... she was extremely hot and she could fuck like crazy,, but i guess it was just some mad crazy LUST i was experiencing...

it was just a really stressful, but at the same time sexually pleasing time in my life... oh well... live and learn

Yep. That caliber of pussy doesn't come cheap or easy. We can't choose who we fall in love with, or life would be much easier. There was a hilarious line I heard lately (I think it was on Community, my favorite show), 'Hot comes with crazy 100% of the time'...
nah, my current gf is very hot and she aint crazy, lol!! i think some girls have it and some dont... i have learned a ton from that experience and to my advantage...

stupid bitch would alway say that she hated guys that dealt drugs and smoked weed, that pussy was worth hiding the fact i smoked ganja, lol,,, no she is with a guy who is being investigated by the fbi and who is highly involved in the local mafia,,, lol that what she gets

Yep. That caliber of pussy doesn't come cheap or easy. We can't choose who we fall in love with, or life would be much easier. There was a hilarious line I heard lately (I think it was on Community, my favorite show), 'Hot comes with crazy 100% of the time'...
so the explanation is needed. heres goes ill go on a ride and happen to be thinking of something bad and start of to get myself out of the mood. when im in a totla bad mood i look around and find nothing to stick in my bag but when i am happy and full of hope which god gave me i recieve an abundance ive done this many times and every happy moment god gives me even more.

Maybe you are the one providing yourself with hope and happiness and are able to overcome the bad thoughts god is beaming into your head.