List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

no its a bullshit excuse , you are a confused puppy , you can seperate yourself untill you become an athiest just like i did , i started to disagree with mainstream christianity, untill i got to the point i didnt agree with anything it stood for , it was around that time i realised i was an athiest . at 12 years old .
no its a bullshit excuse , you are a confused puppy , you can seperate yourself untill you become an athiest just like i did , i started to disagree with mainstream christianity, untill i got to the point i didnt agree with anything it stood for , it was around that time i realised i was an athiest . at 12 years old .

Oh ok. So follow mainstream religion or nothing at all.
I got one how bout fact its always been used to hide our true origens as humans(we come from a planet called NEBULA) were only half niantorthal(cave men)!!

THATS THE BIGGEST IMPACT ON HUMANS EVER(but every religion on earth was designed to hide the truth about all that)

any way its chop chop friday tonight and the special prize is a phat n fruity thats gone 12 weeks lol hmmmmm hmmmm she sure is fat n fruity .........PICT0002.jpgPICT0003.jpgPICT0045.jpgPICT0046.jpgand the 8 weeek old kitty is sayin , 'yeah its nice shit man '
I got one how bout fact its always been used to hide our true origens as humans(we come from a planet called NEBULA) were only half niantorthal(cave men)!!

THATS THE BIGGEST IMPACT ON HUMANS EVER(but every religion on earth was designed to hide the truth about all that)


speaking serious, tsh, yes i know, the oldest dating back to around 2.2-.24 mya and the most recent at 10,000-5000 years ago. I am not saying that is not true, if you would have read my response to your question a few pages back, you already know my stand on all this. It shows what you like to ignore are valid points made by others just because they are believers. And as i said before, i do not know what year adam and eve died, if you could share that, then, there just might be some overlapping of time periods in which the most recent fossils found could and just might be their bones. No one knows who they belong to, so the possiblity is there, to say otherwise is perposterous.

listenn olly , the fact is , we as humans have found skeletons of humans thousands and thousands of years older than chriustianity , as a christian how do you explain that ?
ok let me educate you , christianity certainly believes man is no more than 10 000 years old and that being generous , we as humans have found skelertons of man more than 4 point 4 million years old . how can you still believe in christianity , i suppose your gonna come out wid the nonsense ive heard a million times but plesae do i enjoy raping your belief system, .
your momma stuffed ancient bible down your throat lol

no, not really, but nice try. Again, i did not experience the same shit you did man. My mom was not a religious nut like your mum if i remember correctly. As you, i also think for myself, but that does not give me the right to go around and belittle others beliefs, that is one thing my mom taught me, respect others and treat them like you wish to be treated... and i have found that works great for me, so, if you think i am hostile, it is only because that is the way you act around here or towards me and others i exchange with.
any way its chop chop friday tonight and the special prize is a phat n fruity thats gone 12 weeks lol hmmmmm hmmmm she sure is fat n fruity .........View attachment 1859849View attachment 1859850View attachment 1859851View attachment 1859852and the 8 weeek old kitty is sayin , 'yeah its nice shit man '
i seem to have gotten a hugely sativa pheno here , when it was advertised as pure indica , shes taken weeks to ripen and i reckon she could of gone 2 more weeks but i took a sample a couple of days ago and its blow your head , sit in that seat kinda bitch slap there you go , kinda weed .
no, not really, but nice try. Again, i did not experience the same shit you did man. My mom was not a religious nut like your mum if i remember correctly. As you, i also think for myself, but that does not give me the right to go around and belittle others beliefs, that is one thing my mom taught me, respect others and treat them like you wish to be treated... and i have found that works great for me, so, if you think i am hostile, it is only because that is the way you act around here or towards me and others i exchange with.
i have the right to be - little your beliefs cause you cant provide any evidence for your beliefs , when you have some evidence come back to me untill then get prepared for ridicule , mockery and disbelief .
let me educate you, i dont fucking care what it says, timelines overlap so the one ignoring facts is you son. I believe in God and Jesus Christ, i being a free thinking individual have made my own conclusions and choose to believe in what i want.. if you want to be an atheist, all power to you man, when have i told you to turn? rape whatever you want man, you are use to rape i guess, you sick fuck

ok let me educate you , christianity certainly believes man is no more than 10 000 years old and that being generous , we as humans have found skelertons of man more than 4 point 4 million years old . how can you still believe in christianity , i suppose your gonna come out wid the nonsense ive heard a million times but plesae do i enjoy raping your belief system, .
in all seriousness, i wish you would be so upfront about this if i met you in person. I think you would most certainly hold your stupid tongue inside your shit mouth. why dont you come over? ill pay for your trip, think of it as a get away attempt to persuade me in person, come on man,

i have the right to be - little your beliefs cause you cant provide any evidence for your beliefs , when you have some evidence come back to me untill then get prepared for ridicule , mockery and disbelief .
who cares about your stupid plant man... i hope you get bud rot and smoke it so you could get all fucked up man.. i think it would be better if you put it up your arse then smoke it right?

i seem to have gotten a hugely sativa pheno here , when it was advertised as pure indica , shes taken weeks to ripen and i reckon she could of gone 2 more weeks but i took a sample a couple of days ago and its blow your head , sit in that seat kinda bitch slap there you go , kinda weed .
in all seriousness, i wish you would be so upfront about this if i met you in person. I think you would most certainly hold your stupid tongue inside your shit mouth. why dont you come over? ill pay for your trip, think of it as a get away attempt to persuade me in person, come on man,
thankyou for the somewhat homo-erotic invertation to america , but id rather stick pins in my japs eye than visit the land of shiteness , the rape of our beutifull language and the self rightous ignorance of its inbred population , makes me humble to be a full english thouroughbread .americans are far to FAKE . But thanks for the invite .